Christian Couple Who Met on Plenty of Fish

Christian Couple Who Met on Plenty of Fish

Christian couple, DJ and Lucretia of the “When Marriage & Purpose Collide Podcast,” chatted with me about how they came together. We discussed their mindset before they met as single believers, their commitment to Christ during the waiting and encouragement for those waiting now.

Lucretia kicked it off sharing that her mindset in her previous dating life before DJ had been that of low-self-esteem. She did not see marriage as an option for her which caused her to date unintentionally. This unintentionality caused her to hold on to a relationship that wasn’t good for her in the name of having someone.

Thankfully, her dad stepped in helping her to see that she deserved more. It was after this experience she’d done some work on herself that allowed her to make healthier decisions. No longer hiding behind her career because she had lost hope that marriage and love was for her—she put herself out there on Plenty of Fish.

How the Christian Couple Met

She matched with DJ sending him a DM. DJ shared how he’d lived in a desert land as it pertained to women for a couple years. His phone was dry. And there’s nothing wrong with having a dry phone especially when you have good reason to like DJ did. He had been recommitting his life back to the Lord.

He’d reconciled his relationship with his father after an incident at the church and signed up for more responsibility at the church. The leadership role at church helped to develop important leadership qualities within DJ. Little did he know, God was using his new position at church to prepare him for marriage. He learned how to communicate well with others, listen, and lead others.

Christian Couple

One day on a trip with his father, he’d gotten a DM from Lucretia on Plenty of Fish. From then on, they began talking. At least two years before Lucretia, DJ recommitted himself to practicing abstinence. He even faced a challenge where a girl friend-zoned him because he did not try anything with her. Guys go through rejection because of their decision to practice abstinence too. It’s not just us women. We just have to remain faithful in honoring God while being patient for the right one.

Final Thoughts From Christian Couple

Some final thoughts were when Lucretia shared that virgins should learn their bodies so that when marriage comes—sex isn’t such a shock. I added on to that the FLO app is a good app that has video classes and articles about the various parts of our anatomy as women. They share about our hormones, cycle and more. Normal articles that share about the biology of reproduction and sex are beneficial as well.

There was a health and sociology book I’d read as a pre-teen that gave me the language of sex. Things like ejaculation, erection, clitoris, scrotum and more were normal topics covered in the books I’d read. There is nothing wrong with being knowledgeable about how our bodies were designed by God.

There is much more that each of them had to share along with some of the shared experiences that young adult Christians have in our pursuit of honoring God and acquiring love.

Watch the full video interview below:


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