Commentary Hebrews 3 vs 1: Focus on Jesus

Commentary Hebrews 3 vs 1: Focus on Jesus

Posted on May 13, 2015

Therefore, holy brothers, partners in a heavenly calling, keep your focus on Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession- Hebrews 3 vs 1focus on jesus hebrews 3 vs 1

  1. Focus on Jesus means, not doing what Jesus will not do.
  2. Focus on Jesus means, not going to places Jesus will not go.
  3. Focus on Jesus means, not watching what Jesus will not watch
  4. Focus on Jesus means not compromising christian virtues to please the World

How to focus on Jesus

  1. Make heaven your No 1 destination.
  2. Make sin your No 1 enemy.
  3. Make the Bible, your No 1 novel.
  4. Make praying your No 1 hobby.
  5. Make godliness your No 1 priority.

By Babatope Babalobi +2348035897435 @babalobi

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This entry was posted in Holiness, Jesus Christ, Sermons and tagged Bible, God, Heaven, Jesus, Sin.

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