Day 12 Devotional: Fasting For an Excellent Spirit — Daniel Fast Journey

    Day 12: Fasting For an Excellent Spirit

    Then this Daniel began distinguishing himself among the commissioners and satraps because he possessed an extraordinary spirit, and the king intended to appoint him over the entire kingdom. Then the commissioners and satraps began trying to find a ground of accusation against Daniel regarding government affairs; but they could find no ground of accusation or evidence of corruption, because he was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was to be found in him. (Daniel 6:3-4)

    Have you ever been wrongly accused? I walked through a difficult season one year when my words, actions, and intentions were under attack. It was an incredibly painful time, but as God guided me through that season, He reminded me of two promises:

    1. I did not need to defend myself because He would defend me

    2. Everything in the darkness would be brought into the light

    When we look at Daniel’s life, we see him excelling in every area and under every leader, but this doesn’t mean he had it easy. Daniel had many jealous opponents and they were determined to take him down.

    How did he survive these attacks? He was, of course, a spiritual giant of high moral standing. The Bible says not only could his accusers not find any corruption in his character, they couldn’t find any negligence in his actions.

    He was not dropping any balls or cutting any corners, he did EVERYTHING with a spirit of excellence, both in his spiritual life and at work.

    Daniel never attributed his excellence or accomplishments to his skills, personality, or experience, he always gave the glory to God.

    The excellent and extraordinary spirit in him was EXTRA from God, it was the Holy Spirit dwelling in him and guiding him.

    To ensure we are full of this same Spirit, we need to dedicate time for quiet contemplation and meditation. We need to stop doing and be still.

    Would you rather spend years striving for answers and achievements, or would you rather spend time in God’s presence and receive profound revelation and inspiration from the Spirit of God in an instant?

    The Holy Spirit gives gifts, and He is a gift. You don’t have to work or strive for gifts, you receive them with gratitude. So, how can you put yourself in a posture of receiving with gratitude so you can receive the good gifts God has for you?

    Your Journey

    Biblical meditation isn’t about emptying your mind, it’s about focusing your mind completely on God and His Word without any other distractions. As you fast, take a few minutes each day to meditate on God’s Word.

    Song: Holy Spirit You by Jesus Culture (YouTube)

    Daniel 6:3-4

    Psalms 119:15

    Acts 2:38

    You can utilize the Daniel Fast Journey book (available on Amazon) for more information about the Daniel Fast along with a 21-day meal plan and recipes.

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