Do you know you are a full time believer? - Raising Zion

A full time believer of Jesus is a born again believer. No believer can take a break from believing in God. It’s natural to live in worship and adoration to God as we learn to acknowledge God in all things in life.

Do you stop believing when you are about doing necessary earthly work? No right? Because whatever you do, you do unto Him.

And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. (Colossians 3:17)

God has given us the grace for His gifts to manifest and ministries to bear fruit in our lives. How intentional are we to see the move of the Holy Spirit in our own lives? Do we realise that we are called to pray without ceasing, and meditate on God’s word day and night? We are God’s temple where glory and praise resides and overflows through our lifestyle in worship.

Why waste our life expecting from others when God expects from us? There is so much to learn and grow in Christ each day. It will take us all the time we have to walk in His fulness. Realising that we need to grow in our belief is key to our understanding of faith in Christ.

Is a full time believer different from an apostle?

Functionally, yes. But, a believer is not “lesser” than an apostle. Just differently abled by God to fulfil God’s plan in their own lives. When we believe God wholeheartedly, He will help us understand and believe the work of an apostle or any other special calling or ministry. He may even call a believer into full time ministry. All believers are not apostles, but all apostles are definitely believers. Apostleship is an office, an appointment of God, in obedience by a believer.

Whether we are an apostle or not, let Acts 6:4 be found in our lives. A lifestyle invested in praying and ministering to a broken generation by the power of His Word.

May God help us fulfil His perfect will daily in our lives. Maranatha, Praise God and Amen!

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