Don't Worry About What To Wear BiBLE verse To Inspire You Today

Don't worry about what to wear bible verse
Don’t worry about clothing. God will never forsake you if you trust him.

The Bible says do not worry about what to wear. Instead of stressing on your physical needs like clothes, food, shelter, wealth etc; use that moment to pray. Ask God to fulfil his promises to give you a beautiful future full of happiness.

Your maker never expects you to worry about anything. Seek for God and all other things shall be added unto you. There are things far important than what to wear. If you have God, you have everything.

“Why do you worry about clothing? Think about how the flowers of the field grow; they do not work or spin.Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed like one of these!”(Matthew 6:28-29).

Don’t Worry About What To Wear – Says The Bible

Christians have zero excuses to worry about what to wear, eat, sleep, etc. If your faith is strong enough like the mustard seed; you will entrust in the Lord. Just leave everything to him. Let tomorrow worry about itself.

God has your back. As he feeds the elephant, he never forgets to feed the ants. In all, you are more valuable than any of God’s creation on earth so don’t worry about what to wear.

Say to your self “My God will provide my needs according to his riches.” He whom you worship is caring and loving. He will clothe you in a way you never expected. But the question is do you trust him?. If “Yes” then your needs have been provided already. Faith is speaking right now for miracles to happen.

NB: God cares for all those who love him. His plans for his children are far greater than you can think of.

He has dressed the lilies of the field beautifully. How much would he not dress you?.


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