First Friday Prayers: Galatians 1:24

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FFP Gal 1:24 by Lauren Koepf Sparks

I have a new motivational theme verse for my life!  I’m sure I have skimmed over it many times reading the works of Paul but it struck me anew a few weeks ago and have been praying it for myself and my people ever since.  Let’s get into Galatians 1:24.

In this letter to the Galatian church (first chapter), Paul shares some of his missionary travels, ending with Syria and Cilicia.  He explains that the Judean churches did not know him, but had only heard that “the man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” (v. 23 NIV)  In response to this Paul exclaims:

“And they praised God because of me.”  Galatians 1:24 NIV

Oh, I can think of no better thing that could be said of me!  I want to live the kind of life that points people to our great and powerful God.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about God using my weaknesses and warts.

 If you ever look at me and see Jesus, I thank God for his grace and mercy.  Anything good in me is Him in me.  And I hope others see it.

So I pray:

Gal 1:24 prayer by Lauren Koepf Sparks

Modify this First Friday prayer to be appropriate for the person (or yourself) that you are praying for.

Praying for you in this.  And don’t forget to share on social media or with a friend who could benefit.  It would mean so much to me.  And if you don’t want to miss a Praying God’s Word post, subscribe over on the right hand side of this page.


Now for this week’s featured post from the link up!

Karen “Girl” Friday presented an amazing case in How to Manifest Moments of Heaven on Earth.  Eternity starts the minute we say “yes” to Jesus.  And I, for one, need to start acting like it!

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