Five Ways God Protects Christian Singles

    For many, the dating scene is not so great! Countless times, I have heard older, married people acknowledge their sympathy for people who are dating and looking to get married in the current climate.

    I agree with them. It’s not easy out there! However, God is greater than circumstances. In this post is encouragement for singles waiting on God’s best.

    Here are five ways God provides protection for singles:

    1. Protection from being unequally yoked in general, with unbelievers.

    2. God is protecting singles from toxic, dangerous relationships.

    3. God protects singles from fraudulent marriages where either spouse marries for any reason, other than love.

    For example, a spouse who marries a member of the opposite sex to hide homosexual orientation. Or, when someone marries someone for money or status.

    4. God is protecting singles from the betrayal of infidelity.

    This means protection from stds. This protection also helps keep singles from becoming more distrusting of others in general. Typically, the more someone is cheated on, the harder it will be for them to trust in the future.

    It’s like becoming accustomed to liars. One may wonder if they can ever believe anything anyone else says when they are accustomed to liars. When they encounter new people, they may wonder who they can trust because of their experiences.

    Cheating IS lying. Some people marry unfaithful people. To say the least, infidelity is devastating for the person being cheated on, as well as for the marriage or relationship.

    Nowadays, a lot of people don’t have many morals. Even the wedding vows don’t seem to mean much to some. It is no surprise that people who are not married are often cheating in their relationships.

    5. God is protecting some singles by preserving them from heart break and various other forms of hurt from romantic relationships.

    Being single is one way of not acquiring new relationship hurt or reopening old wounds.

    For singles who yield to God, He is protecting their peace and preserving them for their Mr. or Mrs. Right. A season of singleness for Christians is a great time for working on personal development, healing, and drawing closer to God.

    Being healed sufficiently from previous wounds helps singles not to sabotage their future relationships. This will help them to be good catches for their future spouses. Being patient, seeking God’s will and His guidance never fails.

    “Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee:” Proverbs 2:11

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