God’s Vision for Your Life

God creates masterpieces, landscapes, horizons, AND lives!  Everything that God makes is good.  We are God’s handiwork, His work-of-art.  And we are “…God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10)  God designed and gifted each of us to accomplish something significant during our time here on earth.  

He created you with a unique blend of talents and passions.  Have you caught this vision yet?  Do you understand what you are to do with your life?  I think we often make the mistake of trying to determine what big thing we can do, something that will have an enormous impact. Instead we should be aware of the little opportunities that surround us every day.  

No one needs to be famous to make a difference for the Kingdom of God.  You don’t need to be in professional ministry.  I chose not to say “full time ministry,” because all followers of Christ are in full time ministry, not just those who get paid for it.  We should all continually be doing the work of Jesus.

What are the things that break your heart?  If you aren’t sure where your passions lie, simply go through the list of people that Scripture instructs us to serve.  Think of the hungry, the thirsty (including those with no access to clean water), the poor, the sick, the homeless, those in prison, widows (including single mother’s), and orphans. (See Matthew 25:31-46)

Maybe it breaks your heart to see Christians who do not take seriously the mission of Christ.  Read through the gospels and discover the things that upset Jesus, the things He taught against; which of those stirs a passion within you?

Once you have found what stirs you inside, it’s time to evaluate the talents and abilities you possess.  Consider how you might use those skills to do the work of Jesus in the area of your passion?  Don’t think too large at this point; simply write down every way you can think of to serve others within your area of concern, then apply your gifts to those ideas.  Break everything down to the smallest step possible, a bite-sized step that you can take immediately.  Then, and this is the most important part, go do that task.  

As you continue to pile up the little efforts, you will suddenly find yourself having a huge impact on the world for the sake of His kingdom.  You may think you are having an effect on only a small and seemingly insignificant number of people, but you never know who those same people might impact in turn.  Be content with small deeds and trust God to multiply them in large ways.

We all have a vision to live life in the name of God.  We all have a purpose in the mission of Christ.  Don’t wait for the vision to discover you; instead, follow it and embrace it when you find it.  You were created to play a role that only you can fill; don’t let your life go by without discovering your vision.  

Ask God to reveal your passions and gifts to you and then use them for His purpose.  Don’t waste your time looking for a roadmap; God has already laid out a path before you.  Find your passion and apply your gifts to it.  

Imagine what would happen if millions of Christians were to start taking small steps and living out their vision.  The world would be changed and every one of us would have a part in impacting all of humanity in ways bigger than we ever imagined.  Live your passion and play your role.  

Lose yourself in the vision God has for your life and watch what He will accomplish through you.

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