Heaven is Waiting: What makes Heaven Special? -

Heaven is Waiting: What makes Heaven Special? Christians see Heaven as our final goal, leaning on our faith in God’s promise, but why? Read More…

Heaven is Waiting: What makes Heaven Special?

Heaven is waiting
‘Heaven is Waiting’

We like to use the term, “Heaven on Earth,” to describe the beauty this planet provides around every corner. God created a miraculous world for us to enjoy in our short lives, but what is on the other side? How can Heaven be more beautiful than the Fall colors in the Great Smoky Mountains. How can it be more tranquil than a light breeze over a white sandy beach? First thing we have to remember is God created everything we see, in a week, and Heaven is waiting.

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

Revelation 21:4

Earth is for everyone, but Heaven is a reward for those who love God. Our Creator made the Earth and said it was good; imagine what he can do in a dozen millennia! That is over 625,000 weeks! And he promises no pain, no sorrow, and no death. But the most important aspect of Heaven, is its purity. God’s presence is not pushed away by our sin but engulfs our being, an atmosphere full of his glory. Heaven is perfection, so perfection is waiting for us with open arms.

But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.”
1 Corinthians 2:9

Photographer’s Notes– Capturing ‘Heaven is Waiting’

It is hard to hike anywhere in the southern states without stopping for a moment to take in the beauty. I am regularly humbled by how perfectly placed everything is on Earth and how everything seems to work in harmony. One perfect day at the lake, fishing with my sons, I stopped and saw the bluest sky. The fluffy clouds were pure white and perfectly reflecting on the lake water. So, I captured this moment and had to include it in our Immersion Series.

This image was captured at West Point Lake, GA at ISO 100, f/4, 1/1600 sec at 24mm. I was focusing on pictures of my sons, so the wide aperture was more a mistake that ended with a good result. Normally, for this shot, I would use f/8 to f/11. If Heaven is better than a perfect blue day on the lake fishing with my sons, then I am ready when God calls me home.

Photography and Writing By: Jon Frederick with Seven11

Jon Frederick, Lead photographer, seven11

Jon is a photographer and author for Seven11 Photography. He specializes in conceptual fine art, Christian inspiration writing and teaching others to further their skills in photography.
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