His Faithful Love Endures Forever - Christian Perspectives

This song has a distinct chorus and we don’t have to guess what it is. Twenty-six times the Psalmist repeated, “His faithful love endures forever.” Twelve times he said, “give thanks to the Lord, or give thanks to Him.”

Give thanks to the God of heaven. His faithful love endures forever.  Psalm 136:26

This Psalm is divided into 5 sections. The first section is all about giving thanks to the Lord. Why? Because the Lord is good. He is the God of gods and the Lord of lords. Yes, His faithful love endures forever.

In the second section again, the Psalmist says give thanks to the Lord. This time because of his mighty miracles and marvelous handiwork. He skillfully created heaven and the earth. He made the sun, moon, and stars. Yes, His faithful love endures forever.

In the third section, the Psalmist turns our attention to how God delivered His people out of the bonds of slavery to the Egyptians. He says to give thanks for the plagues and the parting of the Red Sea. Give thanks for leading His people through the wilderness. Yes, His faithful love endures forever.

The fourth section moves on to how God protected His people from their adversaries. He struck down mighty kings. Rulers that Israel on their own could have never defeated. Then in the latter verses of that section look what he says. That God gave the land of these defeated kings as an inheritance to His people.  Yes, His faithful love endures forever.

No Doubt, His Faithful Love Endures forever

We can surely rejoice with what the Psalmist has said so far in this Psalm. It’s like in the third and fourth sections of this Psalm, God is saying. These are my kids and nobody is going to mess with them.

But wait a minute, those of us who have accepted Jesus as our Savior, aren’t we His kids too. Absolutely and even though what we have read so far is foundational, it is descriptive of God’s Character.

In this last section, we get a glimpse at the spiritual significance of all this for us. We know He is good and He is the creator. We know His is the deliverer and is victorious. He is also a personal God as well.

Verse 23 says He remembered us in our weakness. Then verse 24 goes on to say He saved us from our enemies. And of course, God is the supplier of all things as indicated in verse 25. And He gives food to every living thing.

His Faithful Love is Personal

His love endures for each of us personally

In each of those three phrases, you can change the pronoun us to the word me. That is how personal God is. He takes care of all of your needs.

Years ago when I was preparing for a Sunday morning service I was reading this chapter. Our church doesn’t do responsive reading very much at all in our Sunday services. But as I was reading this chapter, I was getting excited each time I read His faithful love endures forever. So I thought, why not do a responsive reading?

I have to say, it did not turn out the way I thought it would. Instead of getting excited, I think everyone was getting bored with repeating the same thing. So I am going to challenge you to read this Psalm (just click here). As you read it let the excitement build each time you say, His faithful love endures forever.

One last thought before we finish. What the Psalmist is telling us in this powerful chapter is based on God’s love for you. He faithfully is your strength. He will faithfully protect you from the enemy. And he faithfully sustains all of your needs. It’s not just a once and done deal. He will faithfully do all of these things forever.

Lord, when things aren’t going as I think they should in my life, bring back to my remembrance the phrase, “your faithful love endures in my life forever.”

If you have a hard time being thankful and satisfied with God’s provisions maybe you should read this post. It’s Good to Be Thankful, Are You Also Satisfied with God’s Provisions?

Another related post is What Is The Glorious Privilege Of God’s Faithful Ones?

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