Holiday Food, Mental Restriction, Satisfaction & Intuitive Eating

Heather Creekmore is joined by Erin Todd and Char-Lee Cassel from the Intuitive Eating for Christian Women podcast for a holiday intuitive eating coaching call. The discussion delves into the principles of intuitive eating, including unconditional permission to eat and habituation with foods, as well as the impact of mental restriction and scarcity around food during the holidays. Heather shares her journey to food freedom and her recent experiences with intuitive eating, while Erin and Char provide insightful coaching on how to find satisfaction and delight in holiday foods and foods we eat all year round. Navigating the transition to Intuitive Eating isn’t always neat or simple. Heather, Erin, and Char talk through how to navigate the messy nature of overcoming diet culture, embracing mistakes, and finding hope and freedom in our relationship with food.

Connect with Erin & Char and check out their holiday membership here:

Connect with Heather and find out more about her new book: 40-Day-Body-Image-Workbook-Christian

Find out more about Heather’s coaching and course and the 30% off Thanksgiving offer (code: THANKFUL) here:

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