February 18th
Gold’s Gym Identifies February 18th As The “Fitness Cliff”… The Day When New Year’s Resolutions Die Leading Authority on Health and Fitness Teams Up with National Fitn…
Gold’s Gym Identifies February 18th As The “Fitness Cliff”… The Day When New Year’s Resolutions Die Leading Authority on Health and Fitness Teams Up with National Fitn…
Sometimes we need help with back mobility and pain. Learn how chiropractic care leads to improved health and vitality.
DATE: Tuesdays from 2nd April to 4th June 2024 TIME: 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm AST VENUE: Online Zoom Event (Cameras On) DESCRIPTION: As a participant, you will be taken on a 10-week journey that explores …
Discover the key to knee pain relief and optimal joint health. Find out how to protect your knees and stay active with our expert tips and advice.
Author Michelle Rayburn shares her powerful journey out of Diet Culture and into intuitive eating inspired by reading Heather's book, "Compared to Who?"
Indeed, the holidays are not easy with chronic pain and fatigue after 50! But we can find ways to do so, even in winter with snow flurries and bitter cold.
Dr. Tamara Rosier joins Heather to discuss ADHD and neurodivergence and the connections between body image issues, body dysmporhic disorder, and ADHD.
I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Do you have Philippians 4:13 memorized or on a Christian t-shirt. Can this help with weight loss?
Today's show is a must listen. It features a conversation with two of my coaching clients--Angela and Kim. You're going to be blessed by their sto ...
Have what we’ve been told about exercise and the way it changes the look of your body been skewed? Today Heather looks at some relatively new data that …
Today we talk about all things fitness. What does it mean to be fit? Is physical fitness something that all Christians need? Why should we pursue fitness an …
As Christians, we are called to take care of our bodies and treat them as temples of the Holy Spirit. Going to the gym can be a great way to do this! Not only does exercise help us stay healthy, but it can also be an act of worship to God.At the gym, we can use the time to focus on the Lord and ref
In this episode, podcaster Heather Creekmore discusses 5 things I’ve learned about body image issues and food issues in 2022 …
Today’s show explores the one muscle in our body most of us never think about exercising, our pelvic floor! We talk about how this little set of muscles has all of your organs resting on it and how many of the issues women experience, from peeing a little when you sneeze to frequent bathroo …
Today we tackle food sensitivities, MRT testing, and other related things that can be challenging if you’re trying intuitive eating. Plus we tackle meal planning, gentle nutrition and more.
Whatever the circumstance God wants us to experience His peace. We need to always put our trust in Him regardless of the outcome. It is important to remember that we should always seek to change those things we are able to change, accept what we have no power to change, and let God determine the final result.
It is really quite simple; he who loves God must also love his brother, even if he does smell like an old goat.
If you were faced with the proposition of reading a Harlequin Romance or the Holy Bible what would you choose? No, I am not joking nor am I trying to be cute. Despite being from opposite ends of the literary spectrum, choosing a romance novel in lieu of a Bible is far from a simple decision for many people.
I am sure there have been days, weeks, months, or even years when you have felt completely and utterly exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally by various situations in your life. Many of the burdens we carry from day to day cannot be resolved on their own. Jesus simply says come to Him and He will give us rest. He will carry those burdens for us. All you need to do is ask.
Wondering what to do and what not to do on a bad body image day? Here are five tips to help you navigate those days when you wake up and feel “bleh” about your body. If somedays you feel more consumed with your body and the desire to change it feels overwhelming, know you are not alone …