How to calm your emotional turmoil.

    “Are you sure you’ll be safe?” Mom asked as I packed my suitcase, preparing for my trip to speak at various places in Ecuador. “They just had a terrible earthquake that destroyed the coast.”

    I took her hand in mine and gave her a hug to reassure her. “Nothing will happen,” I said. “Besides, the earthquake is over.”

    On the first morning in Quito, the hostess woke me up. “Not sure if you noticed, but we had another tremor, nearly as big as the earthquake.”

    I dressed quickly and as I made my way to the kitchen using my white cane, radio alerts repeated that the country was once again on red alert. They further instructed to have emergency items ready.

    Shaken but not defeated.

    I was alone in the house with the cook who kindly placed a plate of fresh papaya in front of me. As I enjoyed every bite, the chair I sat on began to shake. I thought it was my imagination. But when the table moved from side to side, I jumped to my feet and my heart beat fast. Another earthquake. As the floor underneath also moved. The cook rushed toward me in tears. “The chandelier is shaking,” she shouted.

    I called out the name of Jesus and reached out to her. “Take my hand,” I said, “let’s pray.”

    I prayed, a bold prayer. “Lord, you are bigger than this earthquake. You are mightier than any disaster. You can calm anything that poses harm and in Your mighty name, I command this house to become steady and we shall be safe to give you all the glory and praise.”

    Moments later, all became still.

    But during the moments when everything around me shook, I faced an army of fear, anxiety, uncertainty and those weapons of panic were about to attack.

    You might have experienced that too.

    Maybe right now, life has your world shaking with an unexpected emotional earthquake. Perhaps you received painful news and what was once steady is now moving out of control. And without warning, the uncertainty of the next moment is about to bring you down.

    But God is not surprised and has the answer. He’s saying to you, to me, the same as he declared to King Jehoshaphat who faced an overwhelming army:

    • The battle is not ours. Thus, we need not know how to fight on our own because God said, “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's.” (2 Chronicles 20:15)
    • When all is shaking and the earth is moving underneath us, our soul remains steady while we stand firm, wait and trust. “You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem.” (2 Chronicles 20:17a)
    • We can face any tremor, confront any quakes, yet our heart is calm because God is with us. “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you." (2 Chronicles 20:17b)

    Let’s Pray

    Lord, right now, even my heart seems to tremble at the state of my world, but I proclaim that in You, peace will reign in me. I will rest secure and my trust in You shall be renewed each day. In Jesus’ name.

    If your world is shaking right now, what is God whispering to you?

    Bonus article: Check out this great article complementing today’s topic.


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