Learning to Age Wisely - Charlaine Martin
Learning to Age Wisely
Editor's Picks
Do You Feel Disconnected In Your Relationships? - Today Can Be Different
How different would we feel about ourselves (and, more importantly, others) if we abided (lingered, remained) in God’s incredible love? Perhaps it would help us see others as people who need to know God’s love too. Maybe it would motivate us to actively love those with whom we work and live with the same way God loves us.
3 min readWhale Swallows Kayaker: A Modern Day Jonah?
Whale swallows kayaker Adrián Simancas, and we are reminded of the Bible story of Jonah and the whale. The Bible is trustworthy and true.
2 min readWomen, It’s Hard to Have Some Vanity When the Church Taught You to Hate Your Body - Bravester
Too many churches have taught a wrong message that our bodies are bad. This is heresy. The truth is our bodies are good.
4 min readImportance of a Christian Mentor
The wisdom younger women can gain from those in generations above them is invaluable. But mentorships don’t happen by accident...
3 min read