Living Boldly in the Peculiarity of Extended Singleness

Living Boldly in the Peculiarity of Extended Singleness

Boldness is a by-product of walking with God as a believer. If we don’t have it immediately—God will allow circumstances to develop it within us. When God leads us through peculiar situations—we end up having to walk out choices that others aren’t used to nor do others expect.

Because our lives can sometimes go against the norm of what’s expected of us—others feel emboldened to insert their opinions into our lives. They lack understanding of what is really going on with us and in many ways, we become educators to them by our example.

However, if we aren’t confident in our boldness, we may acquiesce to try to please those who lack understanding rather than obeying God’s trajectory for our lives. Usually, when God has a unique trajectory for our lives—there is a specific purpose. Not everyone will understand and it will require boldness.

Jesus Exampled Boldness That Shocked the Expectation of the Religious Leaders

Jesus lived in a peculiar situation. He had a purpose of revealing who he was as the son of God and destroying the works of Satan. This involved him traveling around preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God. It was outside of the norm of what some of the religious leaders expected.

He was not as concerned with the law as he was with mankind receiving salvation. The religious leaders had missed the main point of the law which was to point to our need for Christ. This is seen in the story where Jesus and some of his disciples picked corn on the Sabbath day:

“At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick some heads of grain and eat them.  When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, “Look! Your disciples are doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath.”

 He answered, “Haven’t you read what David did when he and his companions were hungry? He entered the house of God, and he and his companions ate the consecrated bread—which was not lawful for them to do, but only for the priests.

Or haven’t you read in the Law that the priests on Sabbath duty in the temple desecrate the Sabbath and yet are innocent?  I tell you that something greater than the temple is here.  If you had known what these words mean, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the innocent.  For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath. – Matthew 12:1-8”

Jesus and his Disciples were in a Peculiar Situation.

Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” – Matthew 8:20

The above speaks of the sacrifice required, at the time, to follow Christ and to prioritize God’s purpose for Christ being on the earth. He had a mission to reveal salvation through himself and train the disciples so they could further spread the gospel after he retired back up to heaven.

Therefore, he had no plans of living a normal life of only working, eating, and drinking. He made sacrifices. He traveled a lot to spread the Word of the gospel. Yet, he was condemned by the religious leaders simply because they lacked understanding.

In this life of spontaneity, he and his disciples had become hungry. They began to pick some corn on the sabbath day to eat. Instead of considering the unique situation that Jesus and his disciples lived in for the purpose of God—the religious leaders judged them by law. They did not consider the welfare of Jesus or his disciples. Instead, their concern was making themselves look good in upholding the law.

Jesus was patient with them as he referenced David who lived in a Peculiar situation as well. David was also not settled in what we would consider a home or place of safety. He had been running for his life from King Saul who sought to kill him.

Therefore, David had to hide. This lifestyle of being on the run—caused him and his men who were with him to be hungry. They ate the bread that should have been consecrated for the priests.

Both David & Jesus’ Peculiar Living Situations for the Purpose God had Ordained Caused Them to Have to Take Actions Others Weren’t Comfortable With

God’s purpose with King David was to develop the character within him to be King of Israel. Not only did the future King David have to be developed by God to be king, but to be a type or metaphor that points toward Christ. You see, Israel was never supposed to have a king but God was supposed to be their king. God is married to Israel per the book of Jeremiah. It’s a picture of God’s covenant of love, commitment, salvation, and restoration of mankind.

This is why King David’s throne is the throne that will always have a ruler of David’s lineage. Jesus is the final ruler. who is also referenced as the Son of David. Jesus fulfills the prophecy to always reign on David’s throne. I hope this isn’t too deep. If you read your study Bible you will see all of the references of how all of this ties together.

With such great purposes—there is often great weight that others who have different callings do not have to deal with. Therefore, the advice offered by others may not even be applicable to the person it is being offered to. Just like our examples of Jesus and David. They had to do what they had to do to eat on the Sabbath day. And David had to do what he had to do to survive for God’s purpose in him.

Similarly, to King David and Jesus Each of Us has Our Own Cross to Bear of The Lord for Some of Us It’s Being Single Longer (Extended Singleness)

Being single for long periods of time looks awkward. Especially for those for whom marriage came easy. However, I’m sure God doesn’t want us to try to force a relationship to experience marriage. God doesn’t get glory out of people just getting married. He gets glory out of people having marriages that honor him. Until then, he is honored in our obedience to him as a single believer.

I’m not asking for anyone’s permission to be accepted with them to stand in boldness as a single. I’ve gotten to the point where I simply do not care. Whoever is with me is with me and whoever is against me is against me. God called me to walk in boldness as I enjoy my singleness and walk out the unique sacrifices that come with this lifestyle.

Others will not understand, as they did not understand King David or Jesus. However, my responsibility is not to acquiesce to other’s expectations of me—but to be bold like my example—the chief—Jesus Christ himself.

The wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion. – Proverbs 28:1

Stand your ground in boldness, gentleness, and grace. Boldness meaning, “A willingness to take risks and act innovatively; confidence or courage. 2. The quality of having a strong, vivid, or clear appearance (Oxyford Languages Dictionary, 2024.)”


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