Princess Consuela Banana Hammock...and Grace and Truth Link Up - Lauren Sparks

Today is National Name Yourself Day!  Can you tell I’m paying a little too much attention to the weird and random holidays lately?  This one reminded me of an episode of the TV show Friends.  In it the principle character Phoebe decided to legally change her name to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock.  The problem?  She had no idea what a banana hammock actually was.  Hilarity ensued.

A few years ago, I learned that I sang the wrong words to the 2005 song “Move Along” by The All-American Rejects.  Apparently oblivious to the NAME of the song, I believed the lyrics to the chorus were, “And even when your hope is gone, mow the lawn, mow the lawn just to make it through.”  Changes the meaning a bit.  Just like Phoebe’s name of choice changed from whimsical to weird when she understood that Banana Hammock was more than just a funny word.

Following my realization, I threw up a post on Facebook asking others to share their best misheard lyrics.  I’ll share a couple that made me spit coffee out of my nose.  My Allie used to sing the praise song, “You are the everlasting God” as “You are forever asking God”.  Might be some truth there.  If pop music is more your thing, a friend’s grandson sang Maroon 5’s megahit “Moves Like Jagger” as “I’ve got to move like dragons, I’ve got to move like dragons.”  And Princess Consuela herself thought Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer” went “Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza”.  I’m sure many Who’s the Boss fans relate.  But one of my favorites, Billy Joel’s “Keeping the Faith”, has a whole new meaning when interpreted as “Yeah, yeah, yeah, just a kick in the face!”

A couple of weeks ago, the 23rd Psalm, Verse 6 reminded me of a misheard lyric of my own.  I grew up singing the hymn based on this passage, “Surely Goodness and Mercy”.  Even as a child, I had the words right – I held the hymnal with them in my hand.  “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.”  A cheery song that left me wondering what in the world surely goodness was.

I believe the word of God is without error, but a comma would have helped 2nd grade Lauren understand just what we sang about.  Read this with a pause where I placed the comma.  “Surely, goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.”  Surely.  A sure thing.  Without a doubt, goodness and mercy follow me wherever I go.  Because I belong to Jesus, goodness and mercy surround me.  Always.  In every way.  Wow.

May a pause between two words encourage you today.

And now for this week’s featured post from the link up!

Jennifer Ross touched me with her sweet tribute to her daughter and a miracle working God in The Gift of a Rose…  I have a baby girl (16 now) with the middle name Rose as well.  Praise God for His precious gifts.

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