Race, Injustice, and the Gospel of Critical Theory, With Monique Duson—The Alisa Childers Podcast #72


Monique Duson, founder of the Center for Biblical Unity joins me on todays podcast to discuss racism, biblical justice, and some of the words and phrases we're seeing in our social media newsfeeds like "white fragility," "whiteness," and "social justice."​Listen on iTunes 

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Savio Carvalho

6/10/2020 11:29:41 am

Dear Alisa,

It was only recently that I watched a video of yours. I was so impressed and encouraged by your gentleness, compassion and wisdom, especially the video with Monique Duson and the video, Progressive Christianity is Dangerous. I am praying for your beautiful nation which I have been visiting almost every year for the last 14 years.

The grace of our Lord Jesus is so evident on your life.

Blessings from India. I hope we see you in India some day.

Savio Carvalho
Goa – India

Thank you, Savio. We need the prayers!


6/14/2020 08:01:53 pm

Thank you so much for doing this podcast, it was so helpful.

I really found your interviews with Monique Duson on CRT and the one on Progressive Christianity so helpful. Instinctively I’ve felt so many of the things that Monique has provided words for. I live in South Africa and am desperate to understand how to respond as a Christian. Thank you.


6/15/2020 12:43:03 pm

I recently finished listening to this podcast episode and while I found myself nodding in agreement to many of the points that were brought up, I couldn't quite shake the feeling that something was missing. I now realize that the conversation missed one huge caveat of the conversation-where is the church in these discussions? (The church that I will be referring to is primarily the American Evangelical church as that is where the vast majority of my experiences have been.) Why are Christians turning to the culture and getting swept up into critical race theory? I believe that people look to their pastors and church leaders for answers and direction, and other than a "we love everybody" type answer, they do not get real advice on how to deal with these very real issues. I have witnessed Christians raising concerns about what is going on in this country, ask questions about systemic racism, wanting to learn more about what they are witnessing, and then be immediately shut down and warned to be careful because they sound like a Marxist, a left-wing liberal, or a follower of critical race theory. The church has been silent for too long, and that drives many gospel minded Christians to turn to different ideas and theories for answers. The critical race theory movement is there on the ground, fighting for rights, having the hard conversations, and loving people that our churches often try to ignore. Some evangelicals may not think that is accurate, but please know that that is how they are perceived by the world, while the church sits back and does nothing. There is so much out there about "cancel" culture and how conservatives have felt they can not hold any opinion that differs from anyone without being written off, but I have seen this exact same culture within the church when it comes to conversations about race. If a person uses any current "buzz word", the person is told they need to repent as they are getting into dangerous Marxist or CRT territory. There is no room for discussions or questions. I believe that the church needs to be held accountable for their silence and the by product of their silence-Christians looking outside the church for answers. We are all sisters and brothers in Christ and although we do not have to agree on every point, there needs to be a hard long look at the leadership in our churches and why many Christians feel that they have to go outside the church to learn about such a huge issue in the world.


6/18/2020 02:45:53 pm

I 100% agree. The church should be leading out in addressing issues of racism. Instead, they often act like it doesn't exist, emit meaningless platitudes, or outright support injustice. Excellent point.

Stephen Sponsler

6/20/2020 10:56:50 am

The 'Social Justice' gospel addresses racism. I know, because that's is the only one I've heard at it…back to square one.


6/20/2020 11:09:48 am

@Stephen please expound. Thanks.

Dear Alisa,

Thanks so much for your conversation with Monique Duson. I am finally beginning to understand what Critical Race Theory is about.


Loes Tam

Anthony Barber

6/16/2020 12:20:53 pm

Beautiful ladies! I too am deeply concerned with CRT. It is so seductive because it tries to deal with real issues. I have read James Cone as he pointed out the wickedness of lynching but he offers no solutions. I was reminded of
2 Peter 1:3..His divine power has given us all things pertaining to life and godliness…" Also, there is a way that seems right to a man but the way thereof is death..Proverbs 16:25. Good job. I got your back!


6/16/2020 12:46:37 pm

Thank you Alisa and Monique for address the "root" of this thinking. I too, as a believer, have been "listening, learning, and discerning" truth on this matter. This podcast was extremely helpful. There are a lot of "words" Christians need to research and understand, then look to Scripture to shine truth on them. Praying…


6/17/2020 02:03:16 pm

The church has been infiltrated by Marxist ideology and it is taught in our Christian universities, and is now being exported to the masses in the evangelical church.

enemiesfromwithinthechurch.com is coming out with a documentary in july this year that addresses the social justice movement as whole and how it is subverting the gospel. please watch and perhaps consider having them as a guest on your show!

thank you for your commitment to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ that is the same yesterday today and forever amen!

Peter Snyder

6/18/2020 10:15:03 am

Thank you!

Caitlyn Beals

6/18/2020 12:09:54 pm

Thank you for a wonderful discussion – I'm looking for the book/resource you mentioned at the end "confronting injustice without compromising truth". I can't find it online, could you provide me with direction? I listened while working so I might have missed the correct title. Thank you!

Thank you for this podcast – it has been invaluable in helping me to understand not only what is happening in the culture around us, but in understanding what is happening (in response) within my church. The insight and clarity that Monique provides is a huge help, as is her admonition to PRAY. Thanks again!!!


6/21/2020 05:03:51 pm

I’m a white grandma who has raised my bi racial grand daughter. I adopted her and embraced as my own child. I love her more than my own breath. She has decided to “side” with the black side of her ethnicity. She canceled me and walked out my life, Her hatred of me is heartbreaking. You are right crt does divide it ripped my child away from me and I can’t stop crying.


6/21/2020 06:23:58 pm

That is truly sad to hear. I will pray for you and your family.


6/22/2020 10:15:53 am

Thank you

Dear Alisa,

I accidentally unsubscribed to this list. Please add me again,



Crecey Varney

6/24/2020 10:37:19 am

Thank you for this conversation! How can I preorder Ms. Duson’s book, or where can I find it after release?


6/27/2020 04:05:40 pm

I would love to see the list of books Monique mentioned which she wouldn't recommend. I want to compare that list to the ones a (progressive?) Christian college has recommended to its students in light of BLM.


7/10/2020 12:03:28 pm

Thank you thank you for this. My husband and I have felt somewhat isolated on our stance that we can find unity in the gospel and that CRT is highly destructive. It has been heartbreaking to watch friends and churches jump right in the deep end of this, division and anger being the only fruit it bears. Truly, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Thank you for this podcast. It was very helpful. I'm interested in getting Monique Duson's book but only found one of an almost identical title and subtitle by a different author. It is "Confronting Injustice without Compromising the Truth, 12 Questions Every Christian Should Ask About Social Justice." It's being published by Zondervan and wont be out until December. Is Ms Duson's book part of a series?

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