Service to God: Obedience and faithfulness

Service to God: Obedience and faithfulness

Posted on December 8, 2008 Updated on December 8, 2008

Memorise: “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it” (Matthew 16:25)

Read: Joshua 24:14-15

Joshua told the children of Israel that they were free to serve anything or idol, but as for him and his family, they had no option than to serve the Lord.

We live in a period where believers and ministers of God wilfully engage in stealing, lies, adultery, etc. but I have made up my mind to serve the Lord. During a recent ministers conference, we heard God’s Word which rebuked us and we wept because it was a hard hit. The following Sunday, a pastor who had been in the church for over 20 years, and was so trusted that he was put in charge of ushers at the Headquarters, unknown to us has been steadily stealing from the money he was meant to oversee. He had a bible cover with him and everyone thought it contained his Bible.

Whenever he saw a fat envelop, he tucked it into his Bible cover. Nemesis caught up with him that particular Sunday when he was caught red handed with a lump sum in his Bible cover while he left the counting room.

Surprised? It is a matter of, ‘As for me’. When everyone was joining the latest craze among men of God and becoming Bishop, Prophet, etc. somebody came to me and asked why not join in the rat race for Bishops? I told the fellow he could join but as for me, I will remain ‘pastor’. There is nothing wrong in becoming a bishop. It is biblical.

In 1 Samuel 17:26, David demonstrated an unparalleled loyalty to God. He was ready to die than watch a Philistine defy His God. While studying Elijah over the years, the Lord told me to note certain things in his life if I really wanted the anointing on his life.

In 1 Kings 17:2-5, God sent him to Cherith and he went without questioning. In 1 Kings 17:8-10, 18:1-2, the Lord asked him to show himself to king Ahab who desperately sought his life. And he went. Instant obedience. No argument. Before some people would obey God on a particular issue, they will resist, question and argue for a long while. Infact, there are some so called ministers and leaders who have not manifested instant obedience to God.

If they have not argued on the particular instruction, they will not be at peace. What kind of believer or minister are you? When you identify that the voice you heard is God’s, why do you still waste time to obey Him? In Daniel 3:14-18, the three Hebrew captives said they were prepared to burn than compromise their faith.

Many are already bowing down and serving Mammon, yet they think they are still serving God. How do you stand today? If you must be outstanding, you must first stand out in commitment, dedication, diligence and loyalty to the Master. If others are compromising, where is your stand?

You cannot determine the distance and full effect of that act of compromise. Steer clear! Pray for a harvest of souls at this December’s Let’s-Go-A-Fishing programme in all locations

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