People have claimed that their phones are always listening to their conversations. They know this because after mentioning something, advertisements in their Facebook account start showing up for that item. Kinda creepy! Then there is the police department in California that wanted to subpoena the Alexa unit in a home where a murder had been committed. They know the device had to have heard the conversation before the person was killed. I believe, if I remember right, they were denied access to its records.

So, these devices and our phones are constantly monitoring what we say. So is God. He is always listening to us, whether it is a cry for help, to accept him, or if we are asking for an answer to a question. Also, God delights in blessing his children, being those who believe in him and have accepted his Son, Jesus.

The week before the writing of this post, I mentioned to April that I would like to go to an arena football game here in the city where we live. I enjoy football a lot. I think, since I was seven, I have only missed watching one Super Bowl. That was in 2019. At that time, I was living in the Philippines after marrying April. I looked online, and the cost of tickets wasn’t too bad for seats in the corner of one of the end zones. She agreed to go, but for some reason, I couldn’t pull the trigger to order the tickets. I was okay with that.

Then, at the beginning of this week of this post, April texted me a photo of an arena football game promotion. Free tickets, first come, first serve, to the very Saturday night game I was going to purchase tickets for. I was so excited as I went through the process of getting the tickets. I also felt so loved on by my heavenly Father. After I received my confirmation, I then knew and understood why I felt uneasy about buying tickets the week before. God wanted to provide and bless me.

I don’t have Siri or Alexa, and my phone didn’t have anything to do with me getting free tickets or learning about the promotion. But what I do have is a loving God who delights in blessing me with the desires of my heart from time to time.

Take delight in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord;
    trust in him and he will do this:
He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn,
    your vindication like the noonday sun. Ps. 37:4-6 (NIV)

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