Steadfast & Loyal

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
-- 1 Corinthians 13:7 (ESV)

I write faith-based romance novels. If you read romance or even watch a romantic movie, then you know they follow a formula. The love interests, often called the hero and heroine, will meet for the first time or their pasts will collide again, often in an unexpected way. Usually, there’s an immediate physical attraction but obstacles stand in the way of them being together. And by sheer romance genre formulas, they still fall deeply in love and find a way to be together forever, known as the happily ever after.

But of course, romance stories end there. They don’t show the after. The after becomes one of the toughest relationships you’ll ever have, where butterflies become scarcer and spending money on flowers and chocolates goes to buying diapers and into college funds instead.

I’ve been married for 21 years, and I’m often asked if I get writing inspiration from my husband. Is he romantic like the heroes in my stories? Do I still get surprise fancy dates and gifts?

Nope. Not even a little bit. I actually never did.

See, he’s a simple and practical man. One might joke he was born in the wrong era and would’ve made a perfect cowboy or farmer in the 1800s. And because of him, I’ve learned another standard of love not often seen and showcased in our society— steadfast loyalty. His devotion to me is an immovable barrier that no force can penetrate and harm. Like the verse in 1 Corinthians 13:7 says about love, my husband’s loving devotion bears the weight of life for me at times, he believes in my dreams becoming a reality more than I do myself a lot, he hopes for only good and beautiful things for me, and he would even endure pain to the point of death for me.

I find myself lucky because after our many years together, I see that he gives me a vivid, working example of the steadfast and loyal love Jesus gives to his followers. I’m aware not everyone has a marriage or relationship in their life that demonstrates Jesus’ steadfast and loyal love so well. But if that’s you, He is ready to show this in other ways. In fact, because His very nature is steadfast and loyal, He can’t be any other way.

Take comfort in this. Know that Jesus wants to show you a love that bears, believes, hopes, and endures. Possibly through a godly relationship but possibly through your circumstances. Be on the lookout, because He wants to show his great love to you. And remember, not all love is gifts and romantic gestures. Sometimes it’s the simple and practical, the steadfast and loyal loving that means the most.

Questions for Reflection:

1. How is Jesus showing his love for you today?

2. What from your past can you now look back on and see evidence of God’s steadfast and loyal love?


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    Kristen Terrette

    With a background in early childhood education and a Master’s in Theology, Kristen served as a children’s ministry director and women’s leader for many years before returning to her first love—writing the stories playing out in her head. She dove into the publishing world eleven years ago writing numerous articles and devotionals for ministries like Crosswalk, iBelieve, and Wholly Loved, as well as having five novels traditionally published in the Romance and Young Adult genres. After managing an international ministry’s blog and a Christian publishing house’s social media, she found herself as an intern at the esteemed literary agency, Writers House, in the summer of 2022. This landed her a job with Martin Literary Management where she now takes on author clients of her own. Stories are her thing and authors are her people. When not on her computer writing, editing, emailing, or with her nose in a book, you can find her getting a little too loud from the sidelines of a kids’ basketball game. She’s also a recent transplant to rural Georgia where she thrives on jogging her forty acres terribly, drinking coffee while birdwatching, and daydreaming of new book characters, plotlines, and making her client’s dreams come true (which are her dreams as well). You can check her out at:

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