The Abundant Life Series - 7 Keys to Living Your Best Life: #3 Mental Abundance - Dr. Dalton-Smith - I Choose My Best Life

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Abun Life 3Mental abundance deals with a full-functioning and maximally operating mind. It expands beyond what we commonly think of as intelligence or I.Q. It has been suggested that if you want to grow in life, increasing your mental capacity is a must. (1) By increasing your mental capacity, you will be able to handle more projects, assume larger responsibilities, and live out your true potential.

 “Brain muscle”

Although technically an organ, the brain performs very much like a muscle. Like any muscle in your body, the brain operates under the “use it or lose it principle.” (2) Consequently, brain fitness is one of the fastest growing areas in educational programs for children and adults. (3) It is just like your physical ability to lift heavier and heavier weight in weight training. People with greater physical capability will be able to lift heavier weight effortlessly while those with less capability will tire themselves out or even not be able to lift it at all. Similarly, as people need to train their muscles to increase their physical capability, we need to train our “mental muscles” to increase our mental capacity. (4)

 Two action items you can do to strengthen your “mental muscles” 

  • Do things that are just outside your comfort zone and try something new. Some examples include: learn a new hobby; read a new genre of blogs; take a different route to work; make friends with people from a different culture than your own; listen to a different type of music; find the most unpleasant task in your to-do list and do it first; and be friendly, initiating conversation with people you don’t know. (1)
  • Use the opposite side of your brain. If you are left-brained dominant try reading a novel, beginning an art project, or playing a musical instrument; anything related to visual processing, big picture thinking, intuitive processing and processing ideas simultaneously will build up the right brain. (2) If you are right-brained dominant, however, consider doing some brain teasers or word puzzles; basically any task or test that involves deductive reasoning, working through a problem in a sequential order, or working with distinct facts and figures will enhance this part of the brain. (4)

What to do after you build up your “brain muscles”

Once you build up your “brain muscles” it is vital to remember these common sense approaches to mental abundance:

  • If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” (5) Don’t forget that the generous Giver wants to lavish on you the abundant riches of mental clarity and strength. Albeit only a prayer away, be patient as His timing is not always our timing and you may have to wait a little while to get the answer you’re looking for.
  • The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge,
and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” (6) Even the most learned people never stop learning. They are lifetime students. Get in the habit making mental abundance a way of life.
  • Man’s steps are ordered by the Lord. How then can a man understand his way?” (7) We have the tendency to be obsessed with having to know every little detail and having to figure out a reason for everything. Don’t fret about the little (or even the big) things. Mental abundance is dependent on letting go of the incessant urge to know and simply trust and obey the leading of God’s Spirit.
  • We have the mind of Christ.” (8) The mind of Christ is simply knowing what God’s will is and doing it. True mental abundance lies in staying in tune with your Creator and keeping your mind in line with His.


  5. James 1:5
  6. Proverbs 18:15
  7. Proverbs 20:24
  8. 1 Corinthians 2:16

EricHealth coach, life coach, author and speaker, Eric L. Zielinski is a Chiropractor who continues to seek out ways to influence the world toward achieving the Abundant Life. Eric’s work can be seen in a wide variety of venues including Christian, health/wellness, and academic peer-reviewed literature.  Eric lives in Atlanta, GA with his wife Sabrina and three children.

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