The Faith of Naaman

“So Naaman went with his horses and chariots and stopped
at the door of Elisha’s house. Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, “Go,
wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and
you will be cleansed.”
(2 Kings 5:9-10)

Today I want to spend a few moments with you looking at 2
Kings 5:1-14.  It’s the story of Naaman,
the Syrian Commander.  He had contracted
leprosy and had approached Elisha for healing.  The command was simple and straight forward, “Wash
and be cleansed,”
but like many of us, Naaman’s journey of faith would
required more than he was willing to accept.

It’s interesting how many people he had to listen to for his
faith to grow and accomplish God’s purpose in his life.  First, he had to listen to a little servant
girl who was a stranger and an alien.  Faith
comes by hearing, and the good news was passed on to him by this little girl.  He didn’t understand how it would happen, but
he had to exercise faith to make it happen.  He had to have the humility to accept what he
was told.  The path of faith sometimes
puts us in situations that will challenge our egos. But faith trusts someone
who was never trusted before.

Next, Naaman had to listen to Elisha the prophet.  This may sound easy, because the message came
from a servant of God, but Elisha did not make a show of it, nor were there any
great pronouncements, just a simple statement.  This frustrated Naaman who wanted a
spectacular ceremony worthy of his position in society.  But in the journey of faith, the first big
milestones are humility and obedience.

And finally, Naaman had to listen to his own servants.  It’s difficult enough to take advice from our
superiors, but to take advice from someone we feel is lower than ourselves is a
whole different matter.  Naaman finally got
the message, and as he dipped himself in the Jordan River seven times, he saw
the glory and proclaimed, “Now I know that there is no God in all the
world except Israel.”
(vs. 15)

Are you fumbling and discouraged?  Examine your obedience in the light of God’s
Word.  Have the willingness to listen to godly advice.  Do not let your ego get in the way and lose
the blessings of God which comes through childlike faith.

“And he said: “I tell you the truth, unless you
change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of
heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in
the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name
welcomes me.”
  (Matthew 18:3-5)


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