The finger of God fights my battles

The finger of God fights my battles.

 By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Exodus 8 vs 19

Then the magicians said unto Pharaoh, This is the finger of God: and Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had said.

February 25th: Bible Meditation for Exodus 8 - Free Daily Bible Study

  1. The finger of God that appeared unto Pharoah shall appear in your situation and set you free in Jesus’ name.
  2. The finger of God that appeared unto Nebuchadnezzar and turned him into a mad person shall appear to your adversaries and turn them into a mad person in Jesus’ name.
  3. The finger of God shall set you free in Jesus’ name.
  4. The finger of God shall appear in your situation.
  5. The finger of God shall fight for you.
  6. What your finger cannot write, the of God shall write it for you.
  7. The finger of God shall appear on your behalf and fight your battle in Jesus’ name.
  8. The finger of God shall appear on your behalf and rewrite your story in Jesus’ name.
  9. Every evil prophesies concerning you shall be rewritten in Jesus’ name.
  10. God’s finger shall appear for your sake and set you free in Jesus’ name.
  11. The finger of God fought for the Israelites against the Egyptians.
  12. The finger of God shall fight against your Egyptians in Jesus’ name.
  13. By the finger of God, receive your deliverance and liberty in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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