Unlimited: Salvation Is A Done Deal | Good News Unlimited

    Unlimited: Salvation is a Done Deal

    Feb 3, 2025 1150

    Unlimited: Salvation is a Done Deal

    And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God (1 Corinthians 6:10).

    Two thousand years ago all your sins were forgiven, you were given a free pass into the Kingdom of God, and you were granted eternal life. The New Testament tells you this again and again, including in 1 Corinthians 6:10. It is a gift you simply receive today.

    Sin has been dealt with in our lives through a once-for-all and totally sufficient sacrifice of Christ (Hebrews 10:12–14). Through it we have been made perfect forever at Calvary. Because of that, we are now being made holy.

    Salvation is a gift.

    The greatest benefit of salvation is the gift of the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14), who assures us that when Christ said, “Father, forgive them,” his prayer was answered. The Holy Spirit guarantees to us that when Christ cried out, “It is finished!,” it really was finished—two thousand years ago, at Calvary. He accomplished this complete salvation for the world (John 3:16). It is an historical fact. It is received by faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:22). Your salvation depends on it.

    We are not to wring our hands and worry about our salvation. Instead we are to celebrate and to hold on to the gift we have already been given. (Hebrews 10:23). – Eliezer Gonzalez

    Reflection: We have celebrations for all sorts of things that aren’t so important in the big scheme of things. Here is an idea: throw a party to celebrate your salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ. Invite a few friends who need to know.

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      Eliezer Gonzalez

      My mission is to spread Jesus' message worldwide through simple and powerful gospel content.