What I learned in 2017 - Part III — iWork4Him

More Prayer, More Peace

The iWork4Him Journey started many years ago, but the real shift in my walk with the Lord came when I learned how to pray. I mean really learned how to pray. What’s funny about this statement is that learning to pray is an ongoing lesson.   It all started with a commitment to not listen to the radio in my car on my 80 minute commute to work back in the spring of 2006.  

I started praying over sins that really had a grip on me – like anger and bitterness, insensitivity and being judgmental,  gluttony and greed.    I prayed over many areas like this, asking God to bring healing. 
I always started my trip by thanking God for my family, my church, my small group, and the van that I was driving. I prayed for safety as I drove on the #2 deadliest highway in America.  I offered up prayer for those I worked with and those with specific needs.  My focus began to shift from me to others.  When the Lord brought someone to mind a couple of times, I learned to stop and pray (probably should have done that the first time, but I am slow).  

I decided to let people know I was praying for them.

Amazingly when the Lord prompted me to pray for someone specifically and I called them to tell them I was praying, they would always say “I can’t believe the Lords timing, I needed extra prayer today!”.
I say all this to drive home my point of the 3rd  and most important thing I learned this year:

Even when life is crazy busy and financially stressful.  When asked if I have any doubt about the direction that Martha and I are on, I can say “I have complete peace that we are exactly where we are supposed to be”. I can only say that because of the “Peace that passes all understanding” that I wade in every day.
The more I pray, the more incredible the peace. The moments of the day spent talking to my heavenly Father are never lost. Never.  May His Peace rest on you this season of life.

Philippians 4:7New Living Translation (NLT)

7 Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

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