Are you running your race well?
By Elizabeth Prata A ladybug traversing the concrete walkway meets up with a bird feather but keeps going despite the hindrance. EPrata photo I am “holding fast the word of life, so that…
By Elizabeth Prata A ladybug traversing the concrete walkway meets up with a bird feather but keeps going despite the hindrance. EPrata photo I am “holding fast the word of life, so that…
In my last column, I mentioned how important an accountability partner or group can be in leaving our old life behind so we can grow spiritually. Going it alone is so much more difficult. We need someone in our corner who’s praying and encouraging us to choose God-honoring behavior.
At the 2024 Harvest Crusade, we saw 50,000 in person and 200,000 online—with over 5,000 people making professions of faith in Jesus Christ.
Diving deep into how Christianity isn't just an addition to life but its core with Shawn McKay. Discussing faith, grace, and living as true ambassadors of Christ.
Whether you’re leading a small group, hosting friends and family, or getting to know your neighbors, consider these 3 ways to welcome them as Jesus welcomes.
“Always pray. Never give up.” Luke 18:1 “Will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones who cry out to him day and night? Will God keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice and quickly.” Luke 18:7-8 “Will the Son of Adam find faith on the earth […]
Christians Decline, ‘Nones’ Soar in Religion Poll WASHINGTON — The United States is a significantly less Christian country than it was seven years ago. That’s the top findi…
"Christian Nationalism" is the new term the Left has created to try to make people who vote based on biblical convictions, a Judeo-Christi...