All the Joys of Mothering

We have approached a significant time in March, its Mother’s Day!!! 

Although celebrated at different times over the world it is a day recognised nonetheless.  From Academics to Zoologists there is a mother in the mix for each and every one of us.

It’s the first in my living memory that this event has been over shadowed by something else other than MOTHERS.  COVID – 19  We have been asked implement certain measures see government guidelines below, to keeping ourselves safe.

As a mother, I believe that this was one of the greatest creations God invented, being a carrier of persons, purpose and power!  God made us in His Image, women remember, YOU represent the Beauty of God.  Look how He designed the earth generally called ‘Mother Nature’, likewise we Mothers nurture; reproduce the beauty of God through our children and our lives.  Genesis 3:20: “The man called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.”

I would like to introduce 3 Mothers you may have heard of or characteristics seen in someone you are acquainted.  There are several different dimensions to Women and these three Mothers symbolises a few different aspects or methods of mothering.

  • This Mother is a stay at home Mum who enjoys cooking, baking, cleaning and ensuring her family are well taken care of.   She packs a lunch box with extra food for her son in case he needs to share it on his day trip out.
  • My second Mother didn’t find the features of the first Mum appealing.  Enjoying late nights, frequent partners during her marriage and neglects her children days at a time. 
  • The last Mother appeared unmoved if she had a child or not.  She went on to have a gifted child who she knows he is destined to be great.  He’s her only child who’s placed on a special diet and grows into a fine man.   However he becomes disabled due to his repulsion of government officials and dies protecting his community.

Now, we can judge them for their lifestyle choices and different approaches to Motherhood.   Yet they were perfectly created and chosen by God for His purpose.  We spend too much time looking and judging the difference in Mothers rather than praying that their purpose (that they are responsible for) is fulfilled.  Be mindful, your purpose could be aligned to one of these Mother’s.  Let’s us all just celebrate Mothers however, whatever or wherever they are!!!!  We are not allowing pandemics, self-isolation or panic buying to restrict or distract us from saluting and uplifting our Mothers.  Amen!

 During these unprecedented times let us be the contagious Mother to the Motherless, homeless, helpless and the hopeless.  Prepare a parcel for your nearest Foodbank, look out for the children you know are being neglected and be an infection of love and hope to the vulnerable in your community.   1 Peter 3:4: “You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.”

In your thoughts and prayers, please remember Mothers who

  • Have sadly passed away
  • Have lost children – to illnesses, addictions, killed or estranged
  • Were unable to fully experience having a child

This covers and includes Mothers who are:

  • Abusive and neglectful
  • Adoptive Mothers
  • Foster Carers
  • God Mothers
  • Single parenting
  • Step Mothers

Exercise– Mothers give generously, Matthew 15:32-39, Father enlarge her store cupboards, may she not look down on others but help them up to higher levels.

Positive Relationships – Mothers living promiscuous and neglectful lives – (Hosea chapters 1-3.)  Lord, remind them to Whom they belong, heal their pain and restore them with Your unfailing love.

Finances – Mothers who are given the role of prodigies to nurture their children’s talents and skills, Judges 13.  May You grant them wisdom and grace to envisage and invest into the purpose, with abundance of passion and perseverance.


Mothers our mental well-being of not knowing what’s ahead with this virus may cause fearful and overwhelming thoughts.  God knows we have the capability to become fearful and reminds us that He didn’t give us the spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7).   Here are some organisations that are here providing practical ways not to be fearful, you may already know/contacted but is useful to have at hand or forward to someone. 

Samaritans – Call free on 116 123 or visit the Samaritans website

Shout – offers confidential 24/7 crisis text support for times when you need immediate assistance.  Text “SHOUT” to 85258 or visit Shout Crisis Text Line

PapyrusCall HopelineUK on 0800 068 41 41

Text 07786 209697 or Visit the Papyrus website

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