Broken Identity and Stability Don't Mix — Colorfull Bloom

I started watching this new show called Now With Natalie. So I went to her Insta page and saw a quote of hers that really made me stop to think. (My favorite type of quote!)

“How can you expect stability from a broken identity?”

This is one of those quotes that stopped me in my tracks. It’s such a condensed, bottom line truth that speaks to any and every thing we struggle with. At least, in my experience. 

Whenever I’m struggling with any insecurity or fears it always comes back to my foundation. Always. Always. Who am I? Who are you? A daughter. Son. A wife. A husband. Mother. Father. Sister. Brother. Employee. But what sustains us to be any of these things, anyway? Our identity is not based in any of these titles. They’re titles we live in, but they don’t define who we are. If that’s our mindset, what do we really think of ourselves when those titles change? Or have yet to happen? 

It’s not about a title we possess or what anyone says about us, good or bad. We can’t obtain our worth based on the praise of people because we’ll just as easily crumble with their criticism. The question to ask ourselves is who defines who we are?  After all is said and done, the love of another human doesn’t give us a solid foundation. It can’t. It never will. It’s impossible because human love is imperfect. Because you guessed it, humans are imperfect. Self-defining human love is like building your home on shifting sand. 

The foundation that defines who we are in every aspect of our lives will only ever be found in God’s love, no matter what we try or do in our own power. His love is everything and anything we’ll ever need. When our “own confidence” is shining, we must be honest and ask ourselves what’s giving me the confidence in this moment. Without a solid foundation in God’s love for us, there’s something else trying to take it’s place. And will eventually crumble. We can try to supply this for ourselves with a lot of other things or people or feelings, but they don’t last. Believe me, I’ve tried. And in the end leaves a lot of heartache. His love is perfect because He is perfect. His love solidifies who He made us to be. Not what we try to be. His love directs us towards His purpose for our lives. It gives us our entire identity. Everything we experience in our lives is based on how much we live inside of His love for us. The way we see ourselves, the way we see others, and the way we approach life is found in our foundation of His love.  

God never changes and God is love. Therefore, His love never changes. We’re made in God’s image, and we know God never changes, and we know God is love. Therefore, our identity in whom we’re formed, is never changing, therefore we’re stable in His love. Easy enough, right? 

Our roles differ in the titles we possess. Especially throughout different seasons in our lives. But what remains constant, and what will never change is God’s love for us and the stability and true identity only He can give. 

Getchu some.

Photo by Riley on Unsplash

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