You are a god before every Pharaoh
You are a god before every Pharaoh
By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435
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Exodus 7 vs 1
And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.
- You are a god to every Pharaoh that is challenging you in Jesus’ name.
- You are a god against every Pharaoh saying no to your progress in Jesus’ name.
- Know that you are a god. If you know your covenant right, the enemy can not cheat you.
- Many years ago, I was to be employed by a company, but someone in the company said I would not get the job.
- I went home and prayed at midnight, mentioning the person’s name, saying I am a god before you. You cannot stop my employment.
- Later, the person changed her mind and became my best friend at work because I settled the matter in the spirit realm.
- You need to settle some matters in the place of prayers.
- God needed to make Moses a god before Pharaoh so he could overcome him and deliver the Israelites.
- Today, heaven turns you into a god in the hand of Pharoah, opposing your office, business premises, and family.
- The power of God who made Moses, a stammerer, a god before the king shall make you a god before kings in Jesus’ name.
- You are a god before your Pharaoh, and your Pharaoh shall bow before you in Jesus’ name. Amen