How can you forgive someone for cheating?

how can you forgive someone for cheating
How can you forgive someone for cheating? It takes time to forgive, but you need to heal first and focus on yourself. Image: RDNE Stock project|Pexels

Cheating is one of the issues that some couples face today, but how can you forgive someone for cheating? That’s the most complicated question we ever hear when our partners cheat. 

Having an affair is a challenging and trying experience for any couple. 

When one partner cheats, it can destroy their trust and cause the other to feel wounded, angry, and distraught. Restoring a relationship after forgiving someone for cheating takes time and work.

After cheating, forgiveness depends on the seriousness of the betrayal, the cheater’s guilt, and both spouses’ willingness to work on the relationship. Moreover, forgiving someone may cause many feelings, from anger to sadness to loss to uncertainty.

What does the Bible say about cheating?

The Bible offers several teachings that address the topic of cheating. Some relevant quotes are as follows:

“You shall not commit adultery.” – Exodus 20:14

As one of the Ten Commandments, this was given to Moses by God at Sinai. 

“Adultery” is commonly used to describe sexual activity between a married individual and someone other than their spouse. This commandment expressly forbids infidelity.

“But a man who commits adultery has no sense; whoever does so destroys himself.” – Proverbs 6:32

The Proverbs warns of the repercussions one can face from dishonesty. Furthermore, it implies that engaging in adultery is a self-destructive and foolish decision.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” – Matthew 5:27-28

In the New Testament, Jesus broadens the definition of adultery to include someone’s motives. According to him, it’s already cheating if you’re fantasizing about someone other than your partner.

According to biblical teaching, adultery is a sin with significant consequences for both the guilty partner and the other party. Nonetheless, it holds out hope for redemption for those who turn from their wrongdoing and apologize.

How can you forgive someone for cheating?

Forgiving someone who has cheated on you is a difficult process that calls for time, energy, and commitment to work through the anguish and hurt they have caused. 

In this article, we will learn some steps on “how can you forgive someone for cheating?” Not only that, you will also learn how to communicate with your partner. 

Accept your feelings

A person’s mental and emotional well-being suffers when they are cheated on. Recognize that your partner’s infidelity caused you pain and that feeling sad is OK. 

For Bonobology, don’t stuff your feelings because you can wind yourself acting out in other harsh ways. 

Deal with the mental and emotional effects of infidelity. It’s only natural that having an affair would shake your world to its foundations.

Talk to your partner 

Let your partner know your feelings about their actions. To start rebuilding trust, you must be honest about how you feel and what you need from them. 

Setting limits with your partner might make you feel comfortable and secure. This could include establishing limits on how often they can contact you. 

Image: cottonbro studio|Pexels

Cry your feelings out to someone you TRUST

It can help confide in a trusted friend or family member when going through emotional or mental turmoil. 

Having someone else look at your loss from a new perspective can help. You shouldn’t try to mend on your own. 

Get some support from your trusted confidant. Also, going out with friends can sometimes be a great mood booster.

Practice self-care

In this trying time, remember to take care of yourself. You can achieve this by working out, meditating, or anything else that makes you happy and fulfilled.

Give yourself peace of mind away from your partner

Your relationship and mental health will suffer if you insist on staying with your cheating partner. Give yourself time away from them if you’re thinking about forgiving them. With that, consider taking them back (or not!).

Separate for at least a few months and move out. In this way, you can see how meaningful your relationship is to each other.

Learn to forgive

How can you forgive someone for cheating? First, admit and accept that you cannot have forgiveness and revenge. Some people seek revenge on their partners who cheated on them, but it’s not right! 

One of the best ways to heal is to forgive. It may take some time before you feel ready to forgive your partner but remember that forgiveness is a journey. 

Nonetheless, you can take the first steps toward recovery by being open-minded about forgiveness.

How can you forgive someone for cheating? It is up to you how you will handle the situation. But always remember that your friends and God are always there for you. 

Forgiving someone for cheating is not easy, but it is an essential part of the healing process. Working through the pain and moving toward forgiveness and reconciliation is possible with time, effort, and faith.

As stated in the Bible: 

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” – Ephesians 4:32

Even if someone hurts us, this verse urges kindness and compassion. Moreover, It reminds us that forgiveness is essential to our religion and that we should forgive others as God has forgiven us.   

Showing mercy and forgiveness to others is one way to take on Jesus’s selfless nature.

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Kathleen Orenza

My faith in the Christian Church has been an integral part of who I am. From a young age, I was taught the significance of the sacraments, the beauty of prayer, and the guiding principles of love and compassion. Through the years, my faith matured, and I sought deeper connections with my beliefs. With Crossmap, it has reinforced my devotion to the Christian faith and allowed me to play a small role in spreading the love and teachings of Christ in the digital age.