Another birthday, another year to proclaim God’s power - Today Can Be Different

    “I need a younger look, Chuck. Someone thought I was five years older than I am.” I laughed when I said this to the owner of True Blondes Salon, but I wasn’t laughing on the inside.

    Chuck assured me he’d fix the problem. Almost like a miracle, after a super-duper-gray-defying color session, a younger-looking me got up from the chair. At least, my husband, Bert, said I looked younger. (He wouldn’t lie, would he?).

    I wish I could say I didn’t care how much my age is showing. Having sisters who seem to be aging more gracefully doesn’t help. Although we’re close in age, their chins, arms and midriffs look better than mine. Sigh.

    While I’m thankful for another year, the reality that less of my life lies before me than behind me sometimes hits hard. This fact makes me want, more than ever, to live with purpose.

    Don’t you?

    Don’t you want to resolve to make each year – each day – count? Don’t you want to live in such a way that your life declares God’s faithfulness to this generation? If so, right now, let’s ask God to use us every day, for the rest of our lives, in ways that glorify Him.

    Psalm 71:17-18 (ESV) resonates with me:

    O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.

    Don’t you love this verse?

    Even though I’m beginning to resemble one who is old and gray (although with True Blondes’ help, you’ll never see the gray part), I have purpose. “Indeed, this “mature” woman of God is inviting you to watch my life. Because you ain’t seen nothing yet.

    O God, thank You for my life – every single year of it! I pray You’ll grant me (and everyone who reads this) more years so we can declare Your wondrous deeds, strength and power to this generation and to all who are to come. Amen.

    What about you?

    I’d love to hear your thoughts about this post. (Others might also benefit from your comment.)

    • Do you celebrate each new year God gives you?
    • Or do you dread another candle on your birthday cake?

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