Are you grieving?  God still heals.

Many of us have experienced real loss over the last year and a half.  And in that loss there is grief.  But is it a grief we acknowledge to ourselves, to God?

I've talked and prayed for a good handful of people who have men in their life who, over the last year or so, have been overcome by anxiety, who are shut down and inaccessible.  Their loved ones are afraid, and do not know what to do.  

God knows all about the hidden, suppressed, overwhelming grief.  Interestingly, during my "career" (really a call) of interceding for others, one of the most consistent messages that the Holy Spirit impresses upon me is that many of His people are grieving, and need to come into His presence for healing.  This requires openness in His presence and being vulnerable with God. 

But will you do that?  (Pause and consider.)  When is the last time you went to your Heavenly Father and shared your sorrow with him?  Are you always trying to keep it together when you talk to Him? 

He wants to comfort you.  

Psalm 34:18- The Lord is near to the brokenhearted
And saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Healing requires we do not stuff, hide or stop emotion that feels uncomfortable.  Some attempt to talk things through with others, and find comfort.  Some go to a counselor and find help.  Some think a pill is the answer to manage the complexities of their soul.  But these all come up short. 

There is nothing like being held in the strong and safe arms of Jesus.  He has a supply for you that no man knows anything about.  He has the power and willingness to supernaturally reach in and heal you in ways no one else can.  He puts people back in their right mind. He takes bad memories.  He reframes hopelessness.  He heals the darkest, most disturbing things that are stealing your peace.  


We resist.  We need to stop resisting. We need to let down our walls.  We need to give Him the opportunity.  We need to grieve in His presence. We can bring Him the deepest hurts and He will heal. 

I'm not going to take time now to go in depth with my personal story, but know I have experienced deep healings in mind and heart (and body!)  through letting God into my grief, I specifically looked to Him as my central resource for deep healing.  He promised me He would heal me, and I believed Him.  It was not a one and done moment, it took a good couple of years to do some really deep work, but as I tasted each new freedom, from that which held me captive, I was made new with purpose, peace, joy health, wisdom, strength, discernment, etc..  So I have I continued investing in His presence and ways!  How can I not?  He captured my heart in the process!  

He wants to capture yours too!

I encourage you to listen to episode #290 of the Peace Be Still podcast for a similar message and interactive session.  He is the God who collects our tears. He knows your pain.  He suffered to levels we know nothing about in order to know our pain.  Let Him minister to you.  Believe!  God does not change.  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever!  Our living God still heals!

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