Bible, Bacon, Berries in Bridgetown

This past Sunday Morning I found myself reading my Bible, cooking bacon, eating berries and enjoying the beauty of our new neighborhood called Bridgetown!

This is a sneak peek into my life.

My Bible reading time has to come first every day or it just doesn’t happen. Bacon is my favorite food mixed with so many other great things like chocolate. We are so blessed to be able to eat Bacon, and I like berries because they offer the ANTI to my Bacon.

I often get distracted by the everyday and forget to be thankful. I am thankful for the Word of God: 66 books, by 40+ Authors in 3 different countries over a period of 1500 years. It is not one book but a collection of completely unified writings from people in relationship with our Heavenly Father. I am often amazed at the freshness of the scriptures each morning. I have been reading and re-reading 1 Corinthians in the past month. So much to encourage me. I love Paul. He and I have similar personalities, because we both just say it like it is. Truth is truth. Without Truth we are lost. 1 Cor 15:12-20. The Word of God is living and breathing and active. Just pop it open and read – you will find it feeding your soul, like it does mine. So if I start my day with God’s word, it just makes the Bacon and Berries and living in Bridgetown all that much better.

Are you thankful for God’s Word?


Used by permission from Jim Brangenberg

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