Fools find no pleasure in understanding
    but delight in airing their own opinions.

-Proverbs 18:2, NIV

Cheaters have a vested interest in having your agreement to their marriage ending narrative.

If they have anything left of a conscience, they hope to alleviate the internal pain by getting your agreement to their narrative. Of course, this narrative either blames nobody or–more likely–blames the faithful spouse for the cheating and the marriage’s end. This is how cheaters roll.

Engaging in a debate over the marriage’s end and who is responsible with a cheater is wasted energy.

It is like engaging in a “death” match, if you will. The cheater has already shown an investment in avoiding responsibility, or you would not be in this position. My recommendation is to walk away from such conversations.

Your agreement and beliefs are your own. Do not give them over to the cheater. They may never accept the truth of what they did. That is on them.

You believe the truth and walk away knowing they destroyed your marriage through their sins. Their agreement is unnecessary for you to believe the truth yourself.


*A version of this post ran previously.