The Suicide of Ahitophel
Today I continue my series of studies on suicide in the Bible. These are the previous posts that have been published in this series of studies: Suicide in the Bible When Pastors Kill Themselves Abi…
Today I continue my series of studies on suicide in the Bible. These are the previous posts that have been published in this series of studies: Suicide in the Bible When Pastors Kill Themselves Abi…
In the beginning, there was this thing called virtue. Virtues were qualities which were considered morally good or of exceptional merit. These virtues might include patience, humility, kindness, ch…
THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God dislikes indecent dressing By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Exodus 28 …
THE CHARACTER OF GOD: God likes beautiful things By Babatope Babalobi babalobi@yahoo.com +234 80 35 897435 Save the World Christian ministry App: Join WhatsApp Prayer Group: Exodus 28 vs 2…
When the Lord began to speak by Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea: “Go, take yourself a wife of harlotry And children of harlotry, For the land has committed great harlotry By departing from the Lord.” – Hosea 1:2, NKJV What strikes me as in the last post is how biblically educated men can miss how this was a very special call upon … Continue reading "Hosea Exception, NOT Rule!"
When the Lord began to speak by Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea: “Go, take yourself a wife of harlotry And children of harlotry, For the land has committed great harlotry By departing from the Lord.” – Hosea 1:2, NKJV What strikes me as in the last post is how biblically educated men can miss how this was a very special call upon … Continue reading "Hosea’s special life calling"
What are you meditating on? “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” - Psalm 51:10 What’s your favorite movie? Favorite TV show? Favorite book? The other day, I was sitting with a group of people who were recommending books. I was surprised by what some of these books contained. I’m not judging anyone who chooses to read a romance novel or watch a TV show that contains certain content. But this did challenge me to take a look at my own life and wonder, as Chris
The headline certainly caught my attention. Morality is declining, right? Scientists say that idea is an illusion. Wait, what? Morality is NOT declining?? The same newsfeed that gave me this articl…
Casual attitudes about sex are having negative ramifications on our souls and our bodies. But the culture doesn’t affirm this.
By Elizabeth Prata Jackie Hill Perry Facebook profile photo I’ve written about poetic speaking artist, former lesbian, self-identified Christian Jackie Hill Perry (JHP) before. Negatively. An…
Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions. -Proverbs 18:2, NIV Cheaters have a vested interest in having your agreement to their marriage ending narrative. If they have anything left of a conscience, they hope to alleviate the internal pain by getting your agreement to their narrative. Of course, this … Continue reading "Cheaters deeply invested in their own narrative"
What are Trump’s character qualities and moral standards, and should they matter to Christ-followers?