Christ first or family first? The (ex) in-laws. - Divorce Minister

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I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.

-Matthew 10:35, NLT

While the saying: “Blood is thicker than water” too often proves true when it comes to a cheater getting support from their (enabling) parents, it is not the way of true Christ-followers.

Christ First or Family First?

When I had confirmation my my (now ex) wife’s infidelity, my in-laws were no longer on the scene. And this isn’t because they took a principled, hands-off stance towards our marriage.

Oh, NO!

They were more than happy to lecture me about my “Christian” duty. I remember even enduring a “man up” speech from the father of my (now ex) adulterous wife.

Boy, were they focusing on a speck when a huge log (named “Adultery”) was poking out of their own daughter’s eye!

I know I am not alone in such experiences.

Others have endured in-laws who professed to be followers of Christ, yet they chose to defend their child over doing the Christ-honoring thing in rebuking the child for their infidelity.

The temptation to choose a child over Christ is understandable. It is a real temptation. However, giving into that temptation is wrong.

And I believe choosing to support a child in adultery over their victim is ultimately NOT a very loving (or godly) thing to do.

Jesus was not confused that allegiance to Him could and would sometimes force a choice between family members. That–I believe–includes these situations.

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