Community – the Missing Element

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This last year of homeschooling and CC has been enjoyable and rewarding but it has also been hard work done in isolation. If there has been one thing lacking in our homeschool this past year… it is community! I have realised the importance of being part of a like-minded and committed Christian community who want the same outcomes for their families. So my prayer for the next Academic year, is that we would have some families join us in our journey.

I love these encouraging words from Classical conversation’s new 2021-2022 catalogue:

CC believes that there are three keys to a great education: classical, Christian, and Community.

There have been many ups and downs last year as we tackled CC for the first time and undoubtedly there will be many more as we continue this homeschool journey. It would be a blessing to be a part of a community of committed Christians who endeavour to love and serve by cheering each other on and lifting each other up. I know that I certainly needed a lot of encouragement, guidance, accountability and prayer to persevere with the hard work last year.

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (ESV)

I long for my children to build lasting relationships with other children. They would thrive in singing the memory work together, playing games, working together on projects and taking turns listening patiently to each other’s presentations.

There would be times for celebrations, end-of-year parties, Christmas plays, field trips and many other organised activities as families develop relationships with each other.

And as they get older and move into Challenge, the community will be a place where they can express ideas, listen well to those with opposing viewpoints, discuss great books and practise leading discussions. They can motivate each other to not only work hard and complete the programme but to also pursue truth, beauty and goodness.

I am also hoping for friendships among mums, dads and families. One of the CC mums I know who has been doing CC for over 10 years now here in the UK has told me how she found her closest friends in her community, after many years of homeschooling together. What a joy it will be to help other families in their homeschool journey and for the opportunity of being a part of each other’s lives.  

If you are in the South-West London/Surrey area, are interested in Classical Conversations and want to join our community, please do get in touch with me at

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