Counting Other People’s Blessings

Blinded by Emotion

There is a sort of tunnel vision that occurs when we get envious or jealous. Everything in our life darkens. Soon, our awareness of God’s blessings fades away, blurred out by a grey fog of discontent.

Thankfulness is a choice. So’s envy and jealousy.

Close-up of a woman watching a couple stroll away hand in hand.

When I count other people’s blessings I lose sight of mine. (Andy Stanley)

My Good Example

Mom had her faults. All parents do. But I am so thankful for her virtues. For instance, she had a iron-clad policy. Whenever she heard anything bad about someone, she kept it to herself. So my mom never gossiped. But she was quick to pass on anything good she heard about a neighbor or a friend.

Another thing that was true of her is she modeled a generosity of spirit. I can’t remember a time when she ever displayed jealousy toward anyone. When something good happened to other people, Mom rejoiced.

I benefited from her example. So when a jealous thought flies across my mental landscape, I stamp it out like a spark  which hasn’t yet caught fire.

My Spiritual Point:

44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. (Matthew 5:44-45 NIV)

Are you stumped when someone asks you to mention some ways God’s blessed you? If so, it’s time to kick envy or jealous thoughts to the curb.

Pray for the Holy Spirit’s help, then grab a pen and start writing a long list the Lord’s blessings.

High on my list? Glasses and indoor plumbing.

I downloaded this image from


A wise man said, “All truth is God’s truth” which is why I occasionally even quote a non-Christian. I found this saying very true, so I shared it.


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