Destination RESToration Restoration for the Weary Soul

What restores your soul?




Quiet time?

Feet in the sand?


A good book?

A hike in the mountains?

Time with friends?


In my quiet time recently, I read this verse, that I have read hundreds of times, but somehow, it jumped off the page at me as something I needed to pay attention to.  

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  Galatians 6:9

I was not necessarily feeling weary at the moment, but it is something I struggle with often. I thought to myself “How, indeed, do people not become weary?” So, I posed the question on social media.

People told me they were praying for me, which I will always receive, but others had a variety of some practical and some spiritual/biblical wisdom. Most of the wisdom could be summed up in a few simple thoughts… Keep your eyes on Jesus, don’t try to do everything (or anything) in your own strength; and be patient in waiting for and seeing the results.

I am a DIY kind of person who is extremely observant of what is going on around me. I see all the squirrels… bunnies, birds, lizards and flowers too. I am a getter done kind of gal. I attack a project like a starving person attacks a long awaited meal. You can see why I would struggle with the previous advice. 

We all get weary. We all take our eyes off  Jesus. Many of us are taking care of loved-ones. Others are in the season of raising small children. Some are doing both. Others are faced with uncertain finances or job situations. Many have challenging relationship within and outside of their families. Some are suffering physically and others emotionally. 

It was after a friend’s 4th or 5th stroke and another’s encounter with an exploding tent trailer and my own need for a restored spirit, that the Lord opened my eyes to this verse: 

 In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. I Peter 5:10

I read this verse to myself over and over. Then I read it to anyone who would listen. What a gift God’s Word is to us … an ever-present help in the time of trouble. One of the most restorative processes is to be led to particular Scriptures allowing them to wash over us and sink in to our souls. Scripture, time and time again, reminds us of how much God loves us, cares about our trouble, gives us rest, gathers our tears and restores our souls.

When I think of Soul Restoration, the beautiful Psalm David wrote in realization and worship of who God is comes to mind. 

Let’s read it together:

The Lord is my shepherd;He is my guide through life.
I shall not want. He is my provider.

He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He Gives me REST.
He leads me beside the still waters. He refreshes me.

He restores my soul; He is always in the process of restoring me.
He leads me in the paths of righteousness. After rest, he spurs me on to action.
For His name’s sake. Restoring me and guiding me brings Him glory.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me
; He is my protector and comforter in the face of life’s greatest sorrows and challenges.

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. I can be confident in my walk as He is warding off the evil attacks.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; He is taking care of my physical needs in the face of that evil.

You anoint my head with oilHe heals me and has set me apart for His work.

My cup runs over.He blesses me with more than I need so that I can share with others, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me. He cares for and tends my weary soul with love and goodness.

All the days of my life; He is with me, not just sometimes but all of the time.

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. I can abide in Him now, here on earth, and can look forward to my eternal home with Him in Heaven.

Meditating on these words brings my focus to the One who can restore my weary soul.

What are some of the things you do to feel restored? 

Sometimes we are too tired to rest, that bone weary tired that sleep does not fix. Sometimes we just need to stop… be still. Admittedly, this is one of my life’s greatest challenges. So my encouragement is not telling you what you need to do, but sharing with you, what I need to do and inviting you to do the same.


In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. (Even in the valley of the shadow of death). Psalm 4:8 ESV 

Be Still

Be still, and know that I am God. (He makes me lie down in green pastures) Psalm 46:10 ESV


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me) Philippians 4:6-7 ESV

The Invitation

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. (He leads me in the path of righteousness) Matthew 11:28-30 ESV 

Does that restore you?

In our world of instant gratification and desire for immediate results and relief, we are called to wait on the Lord. I encourage you to take advantage of the rest that He offers through His word, worship and holy restoration.

If this has been an encouragement to you, please feel free to share or comment.

There is one last installation in the Destination RESToration series, which will be here, by God’s grace, next week.


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Keri Willis

Keri has always loved Jesus but realized at the early age of five that she wanted to give her heart to Him and spend her life serving Him. She is married to her magnificent husband of almost 40 years, Harold. They live in San Diego with their lively Weimaraner, Belle and serve in leadership at their church home. They have two happily married adult children and one granddaughter. Keri is graduate of Liberty University and has a master’s in education from San Diego State University. She has worked in various areas of education and ministry with a special place in her heart for individuals with special needs. She enjoys teaching God’s children of all ages. She loves all things outdoors. Her favorite “office” is her backyard where many ideas for women’s retreats, speaking engagements, blog posts, and books have been born. You can find more of her writing at and all four of her books on Amazon, by going to Amazon and typing in Keri Lynn Willis.