Five Minute Fridays - Five Steps to Prevent Falls

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Five Minute Fridays – Five Easy Steps to Prevent Falls

The first thing that came to mind – falling down. When you reach senior age there arises a greater chance of having falls. These falls can be serious. Many of my friends have had broken arms, legs, and hips.

What can we do as seniors to prevent falls? Here are some of my own suggestions.

1. Walk: The more walking, the better balanced and strengthened you become. Walk with your head upright – not looking down. Many are prone to bend over and check the sidewalk but that changes your balance and you are apt to fall. So stand tall, walk upright and check what is ahead of you.

2. Balance: Stand on one leg. Can you do this? I couldn’t do it very well about 4 years ago. I decided to take tap dance lessons – I can say my balance is much better. Try standing using the kitchen counter for balance – lift your legs up one at a time. Find exercise classes in your area and join in the fun of strengthening and learning balance. I also found the Wii exercise helpful (now I have no time).

3. Get Rid of Clutter: Look around your home. Do you have clear pathways or lots of stuff hindering your path? Get rid of clutter. Get rid of lose rugs which are the cause of many falls.

4. Be Wise, Use Conveniences: Hold hand rails going up and down the stairs. We are not as young as we used to be. Don’t be vain. Use the rails. If you are on a step ladder don’t reach. Put rails in the washroom if you have trouble getting up from a sitting position.

5. Make Sure You Can See:  Turn on the lights. Good lighting helps your eyes too.

So as you continue today remember this Scripture because we also don’t want to fall down spiritually.

For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly (Psalm 84:11, KJV).

Time’s up. What ideas do you have to prevent falls?

Linking in with Lisa-Jo Baker and Five Minute Fridays.

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