God’s Eternal Mercy and Wisdom in New Jerusalem

(Photo: Pexels)

God created man to have a vessel through which to express Himself. This is God’s eternal purpose. There have been many hindrances over the ages, which to our understanding have been substantial in measure. However, the infinite wisdom of God overcomes every hindrance, eventually bringing forth New Jerusalem as His perfect eternal corporate expression.

New JerusalemThe last verse of the hymn* that is the subject of recent posts:
When in the new Jerusalem
—–In mercy we will boast,
Thy wisdom will be known for aye
—–Unto the uttermost.

God’s wisdom is amazing but we often are in a situation which requires His mercy. Thank Him that He is merciful to us. He knows when and how to be merciful and when to be strict with us. This is part of His wisdom.

Based on having a wonderful High Priest (Heb. 4:14-15), 4:16 exhorts us, “Let us therefore come forward with boldness to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace for timely help.” Because of His mercy, we can “come forward” to receive mercy.

The throne in Hebrews 4 is the same throne in Revelation 22. The merciful and wise Triune God will be on this throne in New Jerusalem. We will forever come forward to Him on the street of the city. We will boast in His mercy and marvel at His wisdom, and be part of New Jerusalem, the eternal exhibition of His riches.

* Author Witness Lee, composer Samuel A. Ward; words; music.

Graphic courtesy of pixabay.com.

Posted by Don on January 21, 2022

God’s Eternal Mercy and Wisdom in New Jerusalem

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