How To Be A Vessel Of Honour For God? - Raising Zion

Do you want to be a vessel of honour or an Influencer? Every single day we wake up, we are trying to convince the world around us about something about ourselves. Every single human being is influencing another in some way or the other, be it intentionally or unintentionally.

Brands are encouraging children and youth into becoming influencers; and it’s ruining lives. That is the way of this world. Who is encouraging you believer? And how? Are you being a vessel of honour?

The easiest thing to do is to follow trends. Fall in line with what the world wants. Or, we can do exactly what’s in God’s heart by bringing the gospel to a broken and torn world.

Being a vessel of honour

1. Be holy, for we are washed by the precious blood of Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 4:4 sanctification) (2 Timothy 2:21) (Hebrews 9:21 blood washed)
2. Gather the good into your heart (Matthew 13:48). Do good and speak good for His glory.
3. Walk in truth, purify and clean the bitterness of this life (John 19:29)
4. Be the clay that submits to God’s power (Romans 9:21) (Revelation 2:27 fragile)
5. Be a vessel full of heavenly treasures (2 Corinthians 4:7)
6. Walk with purpose because you are chosen (Acts 9:15) (1 Peter 2:9)
7. Be weak for His strength to manifest. Play the role God has called you into (1 Peter 3:7)

We were created uniquely to reflect the many wonderful ways of God. To be a testimony of His praise and glory. Being examples of God’s might and power, knowledge and wisdom. Bearing fruits for His glory every day, as we surrendered ourselves to Him by faith.

May God increase our faith and love to be the light to this generation. Maranatha, praise God and Amen.

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