New Waze for Reading God's Word (and No, That's Not a Typo) - Lauren Sparks

Happy National Day of Unplugging!  I can’t think of a more needed observation for most of us (self included).  I encourage you to turn off the screens, put them out of sight if possible and do something active, do something fun, and/or do something educational.  If you study the bible or want to, might I suggest trying Verse Mapping?

As a member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid, I happily accepted free copies of the NIV Verse Mapping Bible, the NIV Verse Mapping Bible for Girls, and the Verse Mapping Bible Study Journal to take for a test run.  It’s been a while since I tried a completely new to me Bible study method and I honestly think this one holds the potential to offer deeper understanding and increased knowledge of God’s Word.

Kristy Cambron, the creator of this version of the method, lays out five steps to “mapping” a verse or passage.  In short:

  1.  Verse – Select one you would like to study.  Let the holy spirit lead you, use the topical index in the back of the bible guide, or start at Genesis 1:1 and work your way through the Bible.  Choose the verse that feels like the right fit for you on any given day.
  2. Design – Look at the passage in 2-3 other versions and note any repeated words or phrases.
  3. Develop – Look up these key words in Hebrew for OT or Greek for NT.
  4. Actions – Notice what’s happening in and around the passage.
  5. Outcome – Write a 1-2 sentence summary of what you learned and how to apply it to your life.

The journal provides much more detailed instructions on these steps and how to make your study time really count.  I included photos here of my first completed map (with help from the author).  Please excuse the poor penmanship and photography skills.

The main idea – use these tools to think like a researcher.

This Bible contains 350 partially completed verse maps to get you started and give you ideas for how to use this system.  Cambron includes 70 blank maps as well.  The girls’ version provides the same quality product in a design that appeals to tween and teen girls.  And both versions give you note taking space in the margins.

The Journal is not necessary to facilitate verse mapping, but accommodates those who prefer not to write in their Bibles or need more room to explore their research and conclusions.

These tools have me excited about the prospect of shaking up my daily time with the Lord, and I want to offer you the chance to try them too.  I am giving away 1 copy of the NIV Verse Mapping Bible next Friday!  To enter, subscribe to my blog using the box on the right hand side of this page.  You will also receive my e-book for free after subscribing.  Or if you already subscribe (thank you!!!), follow me on instagram and twitter, then comment your completion on this blog post when finished.  Entries will close at 12:00 CST on Thursday March 4, 2021.

And now for this week’s featured post on the link-up.

Today I want to highlight the Grace and Gratitude Link UP #7.  Carrie definitely taught me a lesson on showing grace and giving gratitude this week.  She endured the same wacky winter storm that I told yall about.  Instead of the moaning and groaning that most Texans (again, myself included) wallowed in, Carrie showed class and a positive attitude by giving thanks to God for bringing her through and appreciation for the Power company employees that worked so hard to rectify the situation.  Thanks so much, Carrie.

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3. Every host features one entry from the previous week. To be featured, include this button or link back here on your post (mandatory to be featured, but not to participate).

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