Not a kiss, but rather a final hug. - Divorce Minister

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“Goodbye in her eyes” by Zac Brown Band

It wasn’t a kiss.

It was a hug.

We had just finished our dentist appointments. She had forgotten that she had made joint appointments. I had already confronted her about the Other Man about two weeks prior. She was still lying about him and still denying adultery.

But she wanted a hug.

I gave it to her.

She showed no emotion.

It broke my heart.

I hastened away to the refuge of my car tears about to stream down my face. In my heart, I knew that was the last time we would ever touch.

And I was right.

This song from the Zac Brown Band evokes that memory. But that is not all…

It is a reminder:

People leave. Nothing you can do to change that.

Now, I doubt my ex figured out what she really wanted. And I am certainly not pinning away for her today as the singer does his ex. You see, Mrs. DM is quite an upgrade 😉

But I share this story to point back to this nugget of wisdom.

To put it Biblically:

But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. 

– I Corinthians 7:15, KJV

Let them go.

It will save you a lot of grief from trying to control something you do not control–i.e. another person’s choices. I know. I speak from personal experience by not taking this advice early enough.

You do not have the power to force them to stay.

Live in peace.

The song writer was right on that note.

*A version of this post ran previously.

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