PRAYER – The Believer’s Tool

First of all, sorry this blog post is just being released today! It has been in the drafts since Jan 27th and unfortunately I forgot to schedule it for publishing! Please bear with me and read through for the time it was intended. On that note, happy new month as well, lool!

– Mo

Happy New Year dear friends and readers!

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It has been a hot minute. I am grateful to God for safely seeing us through the end of 2023 in joy and ushering us wonderfully into 2024. I hope your soul has been prospering even as you have been prospering in this new year.

As we settle into the year and develop our routines, it is important to place first things first. It has been so encouraging to see those both online and offline that have made commitments to reigniting the prayer altar. It is an indication of the great move of the Spirit. I pray that we shall be a part and member of this move.

One of the toolkits we have as believers in our Christian walk is the gift of Prayer. It truly is a gift. We must never neglect to see it as such. We must NEVER despise the opportunity and the grace to pray.

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ignites our soul

connects us to the heart and mind of the Father

when combined with scriptures and backed by the word of God, ensures we receive that which we are praying for.

helps to realign our life’s purpose and hearts mission.

A key thing I have been learning is the gift of praying in tongues. Praying not just in our understanding, but relying on the Holy Spirit to make intercessions for us. It sends forth prayers on our behalf for we know not what the year holds. We have no idea what is even going to happen in the next minute, but the Holy Spirit, our helper and advocate is very much aware.

Ceaseless Prayers

To pray without ceasing means that we are constantly in communication with our heavenly Father. We are thinking and speaking to Him in our hearts, with our lips, words, mind and thoughts. Our full focus and attention is upon Him. When we do that, it is easy for us to offer prayers ceaselessly to God.

Jesus was always thinking about the work the Father had committed into His hands. In order to get it done, He had to be in constant and consistent communication with the Father. He had a clear focus and attention on His heavenly Father. That is what we need.

I pray that we receive a revival and refuel of what our God ordained and assigned life’s mission such that we have no choice but to run to our heavenly Father to receive rhema and guidance to actualize those grand plans. It will likely only be a God plan as it requires strength, wisdom, insight and actions beyond ourselves.This is a way that God uses us to display His excellencies and to lead us in triumphal procession to spread the sweet fragrance of Himself to the world around. If we could have achieved something by our own power and strength, how exactly does God get the glory from that?

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But when men that knew us before can see our lives and see that of a sure thing this is a person helped by God. It draws them to God. They want to know the God that was able to help you so far.Do not despise what God is doing in you and through you. The person and situation you see is not ordinary. It is for the glorification of God and the edification of the body. We must let Christ be richly be formed in us.

Remain in Christ

One of the things building a robust prayer life helps us with is to remain in Christ. We allow His words to rest in us, we speak His words back to Him and He sends His word back to us.

One of the songs that ministered to me last year was: ‘We Behold (Qavah anthem)’, I suggest playing it or adding it to your playlist.

In this year, I pray that we harness our prayer tool effectively. May we never be fodder for the enemy or become lazy in igniting our prayer altars. It is not expressly only our job to keep the fire burning – that is the responsibility of the Holy Spirit, because He is the one that enables us to keep tarring. What we must do is to be a yielded vessel. We must be willing to purge our hearts, minds, schedules of all those things that will inhibit and hinder the move of the Holy Spirit. Cut them off! Contend for your destiny.

The enemy is relentless. Spiritual wickedness in high places never take time off, they are always looking for ways to bring us down. But GOD is victorious, Christ has already won the victory and because of that we are also victorious over all schemes. But to walk in that victory, we access it in the place of prayer and devotion.

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So dear friends harness your tool of prayer very well. No gree for anybody! By God’s grace we will scale over all walls and enter into the open doors and great things God has planned for us. We receive His empowerment and will not take His grace for granted. I cover myself and everyone of us in the blood of Jesus.

In Jesus mighty name. AMEN

Have a great rest of the year friends!


Mo 🙂


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