The godly care for their animals,
    but the wicked are always cruel.

-Proverbs 12:10, NLT

Mr. Pickles was a rescue. We brought him home in box as a kitten from a house overflowing with creatures.

He helped me get through my divorce. I am SO grateful for him! It made a difference having a living thing waiting for me when I came home to an otherwise empty apartment from work.

When I remarried, I had to surrender Mr. Pickles as he was unsafe around little children and Mrs. DM was allergic to cats. He ended up getting to live out on a farm. So, it all ended well.

That did not mean the end of pets for me, though. I discovered a whole new world of rescues. Mrs. DM introduced me to rescue parrots.

Loki is my special friend. He is a Jardine parrot who talks and laughs. I am grateful for him. My favorite trait of his is how he will laugh appropriately along with me and at my jokes. He is a true feathered friend.

How about you? Do you have a furry or feathered friend?

I truly believe the rescues end up rescuing us. God has given us animals as He knows we need the community that comes from connecting with His creation. Our relationship with our beloved pets reminds us of His great love for us as well!