Saturday, December 9, 2023, we held our first ever Sleighful of Hope Christmas Fundraiser for 15 single moms and their 33 children altogether. We had an area to distract the kids while the moms had the chance to see what they received. Happy tears were shed as everyone was overwhelmed by love. We had a chance to pray with each mother as well.

It was an emotional, full-circle moment for my family as well.  My 3 boys and I walked away from my abusive marriage in late November 2018. Despite the challenges, the Christmas season became a time of hope as my 3 children and I found temporary shelter at a friend’s home. Witnessing the kindness and support from many people, I made a heartfelt promise to myself: one day, I will pay it forward and assist single mothers and their children, just as others did for us. This day 5 years later proved to be that and so much more.

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