Thank you for your prayers!

I want to thank all of you for your prayers for this year’s crusade.

Early Friday, I was having a hard day, missing Christopher, with a lot of tears. But I knew in the evening I had a task to fulfill, and I prayed for special grace to get through it, along with many of you.

I am pleased to say the Lord answered our prayers. I was even strengthened as I gave the message.

As I mentioned, one of the reasons I was speaking at our crusade this year – especially so close to Christopher’s early departure to heaven – was so I could not only preach the gospel to others, but also to myself! Just saying those beautiful words of comfort from the Bible about where our loved ones in the Lord go when they die encouraged me.

Two nights to go!

We have two more nights to go. Let’s go out of our way today to extend invitations and make those last-minute phone calls, e-mails, and texts to those that need to hear the gospel.

You just never know, this could be the last time they ever hear the gospel.

Rejoicing in heaven

The Bible says in Luke 15:10, “There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents” (NKJV).

Notice that the verse says, “In the presence of  the angels.” In other words, it does not say, “There is joy in heaven among the angels when one sinner comes to God,” but “in the presence of the angels.”

So, could that mean that the joy is among those who gone to heaven before us? Could it be that heaven knows what is happening on earth? Could my son have been aware of what God did through his testimony last night?

We know the Lord knows. But do our loved ones who are there know?

Perhaps. Perhaps much more than we realize.

But one thing is for certain, there was joy in heaven last night when 2,800 people made professions of faith. And there was joy here on earth too.

Heaven and earth joined in celebration. That’s exactly how it ought to be. Jesus said, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

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