The Privileged Life: Through the Eyes of a Puppy

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?” Isaiah 43:19a

Say “hello” to Heidi! Five pounds of wiggling, furry fun…a mini-tornado of schnauzer energy who has turned our home upside down with squeaky toys, shredded newspapers, and half-chewed sneakers scattered across our floor.

We haven’t had a puppy for decades. Our previous two schnauzers were rescues, adopted as adult dogs, and we dreaded the “puppyhood” of destruction and adjustments.

But, the joys and laughter have far outweighed the “oh no” moments. Heidi is a fast learner, and she has quickly figured out how to charm us into forgetting her offenses.

Puppies, like little children, are eager to explore their world and absorb all kinds of new flavors and escapades. EVERYTHING is brand new. 

If it can be chewed, it shall be attacked with gusto and dagger-like teeth. Dandelion seed pods are cake pops to be tasted. Low-hanging branches and sticks in the grass offer a crunchy buffet. An old leather belt is a dragon to be tamed and conquered.

Puppies are not picky. A ratty dishrag is as equally entertaining as an expensive pooch toy. 

Heidi can already sing, joining the musical merriment of our household. She turns her mouth into a perfect little “O” to howl along with us when we whistle. 

Puppy hugs and kisses are to be handed out liberally, even to strangers. Everyone is a potential new friend.

Puppies like lots of naps. To have a warm little furball fall asleep in your arms is a sweet privilege indeed.

The big folks in our house—“her” very own people—exist purely for her own personal entertainment. Every activity is a game. Any separation from us (time-out in the crate) is to be denounced with a loud wail.

The wide world is beckoning, and Heidi runs helter-skelter to it…until the retractable leash catches her harness and reminds her that she is still tethered to us.

How sweet it would be to have her little heart all the time! Every morning, Heidi reminds us that God’s mercies are fresh and new. She is so happy to simply share our presence…we should greet our Lord and Savior with the same kind of dancing spirit.

She’s not perfect. We’re still going through the house-training phase, and there have been lots of “accidents.” But we are learning to be patient and forgive her, knowing that in time she will learn and grow. Our great and loving God forgives us for offenses that are far worse. He loves us and delights in us, because His Son Jesus has claimed us for Himself. 

Like all of His creatures, He comforts and consoles us when we are afraid. Just as Heidi scampers to our side in a scary moment, we can run to Him during the challenges of life.

Next time you see a little pup, remember there is great joy along with marvelous new adventures in our privileged life with Jesus. He is our security, provider, and comforter. May you find new energy to serve Him and true peace as He leads you every single day. The One who created little puppies is certainly generous enough to take care of you, too!

Lord, thank You for constantly reminding us of Your awesome power. What gifts You have given us in our cuddly pets! Continue to teach us about Yourself—Your majesty, Your love, Your provision—as we observe how You care for all of creation. Thank You for delighting in us! In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Heidi is a bright-eyed bundle of energy, mischief, and affection….
Some “snuggle time” with our daughter’s schnoodle, Kensie…
First venture down the stairs by herself…scary, but she conquered it with our encouragement.
This chew toy says it all….

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© Copyright 2021 Nancy C. Williams, Lightbourne Creative

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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Nancy C. Williams

Nancy C. Williams is a Christian wife/mom with a writing career spanning more than 40 years. She’s also an adventure enthusiast who loves snow-skiing, making biscotti, taking photos, digging into fascinating stories from the past, and sharing a good laugh. Nancy is serious, though, about serving Jesus Christ—striving to encourage others on their spiritual journeys. She is author of the novel To Love a Falcon and devotional book A Crocus in the Desert: Devotions, Stories, and Prayers for Women Experiencing Infertility. To follow Nancy’s devotions and news, go to and subscribe.