This Yoke is Easy? Following Jesus in a Post Christian Society - Lauren Sparks

“For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:30

I have been moonlighting for the past three and a half years.  In addition to writing here on my own website, I write devotionals for Devotable LLC.  I love being a part of this group of fellow writers and believers.

Devotable recently migrated from it’s own website and app to  Have you been on Medium?  It’s an online place for articles.  You can search and find posts on just about any topic imaginable.

Me on Medium

I made the jump to publishing for Devotable on Medium last week.  I  crafted a commentary on Matthew 11:30. 

  A click on the title below takes you to the article.  Thanks so much!

This Yoke is Easy?  Following Jesus in a Post Christian Society

And now for this week’s featured post from the link up!

I’m following up my post about a tough topic with Theresa Boedeker’s Other’s Junk and a See-Through Trunk because it made me giggle.  As important as it is to inform ourselves about the hard stuff and be prepared for spiritual battle, sometimes we just need to lighten up and laugh.  Thank you for helping us do that, Theresa!

1. Share 1 or 2 of your most recent CHRISTIAN LIVING posts. (No DIY, crafts, recipes, or inappropriate articles.) All links are randomly sorted.

2. Comment on 1 or 2 other links. Grace & Truth linkup encourages community.

3. Every host features one entry from the previous week. To be featured, include this button or link back here on your post (mandatory to be featured, but not to participate).

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We encourage you to follow our hosts on their blogs or social media.

MAREE DEE – Embracing the Unexpected
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LISA BURGESS – Lisa notes
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